August 15, 2012
BY Ron Kotrba
The California Energy Commission approved $1.86 million in grant funding for the expansion and upgrade of Yokayo Biofuels Inc.’s Ukiah, Calif.-based biodiesel facility, increasing biodiesel production capacity from 1,400 gallons a day to 2,000 gallons a day while retrofitting its process line to enzymatic production.
According to the grant summary, the project will consist of construction of new production, laboratory and storage facilities. Additional project expansion elements include the installation of two pipelines to connect the biodiesel vessels in the existing building with the vessels in the new buildings, and an additional pipeline to allow for the transport of methanol to the mixing vessel in the new building from a newly installed methanol vault storage tank.
The existing buildings onsite will be upgraded with venting, central heat and air conditioning, and a fire prevention sprinkler system. Other project features include a new loading dock, installation of a liquid nitrogen blanketing system to increase fire safety, resurfacing the onsite hardtop and installation of bioswales for storm water run-off and incidental water needs, and improvements to the existing driveway.
The total project cost is expected to exceed $4.7 million.