Genuine Bio-Fuel to open biodiesel refinery in Lincoln Park, NJ

August 15, 2012

BY Genuine Bio-Fuel Inc.

Genuine Bio-Fuel Inc., headquartered in Indiantown, Fla., expands its operations to Lincoln Park, N.J., with the build-out of a state-of-the-art biodiesel refinery at the Lincoln Park Airport, while creating15 to 30 new jobs in the process.

Genuine Bio-Fuel looks forward to branching out to New Jersey and helping the tri-state area including New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania meet green fuel and Bioheat mandates. Executive Vice President of the company, Jeff Longo, expressed, “Genuine Bio-Fuel's goal is to build an environmentally responsible facility, create jobs, and aid in the economic growth of the Lincoln Park community and surrounding areas."


Its proprietary technology allows it to reduce the amount of energy needed to refine biodiesel fuel, and without creating any hazardous byproducts in the process. In addition to the environmental benefits and new jobs its presence brings, Genuine Bio-Fuel will work with various government agencies to meet forthcoming renewable energy requirements.

Regional companies will also benefit from the new biodiesel refinery. The company will provide a source of revenue for regional restaurants and local feedstock suppliers through its Used Vegetable Oil to Fuel Program, while safely ridding them of their wasted oil and fat products. Using energy-efficient, patent-pending, proprietary technology, Genuine Bio-Fuel Inc. takes the collected used vegetable cooking oil, plant oils and fats, then refines them and produces high quality biodiesel fuel, meeting or exceeding ASTM standards.


Bryan Harrison added, “Genuine Bio-Fuel is looking forward to opening our facility at the airport in Lincoln Park, N.J.” Local municipalities are just as eager as Genuine Bio-fuel is to join their new community. As a result of this budding symbiotic relationship Harrison noted, “The local municipality has been very supportive of this renewable energy endeavor."

Genuine Bio-Fuel Inc. is a leader in biodiesel technology and innovation, and in biodiesel production technology. Working with local communities since 2008 it collects used vegetable cooking oil, refines it and efficiently produces renewable, sustainable clean biodiesel that meets or exceeds the required ASTM standards. An RFS2-registered renewable fuel producer, this dedicated environmental steward is 100 percent privately funded.


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