February 15, 2013
BY Ron Kotrba
Eslinger Biodiesel Inc. is scheduled to receive $6 million from the California Energy Commission’s Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program to build a commercial biodiesel production facility in Fresno.
According to the CEC, the first phase of the $32 million refinery is expected to be operating within a year of funding, producing 5 MMgy of biodiesel made from waste vegetable oils and animal fats. Eventual production is expected to be 45 MMgy.
The output, according to the CEC, will be shipped by pipeline to commercial blending facilities and is slated to be presold to companies obligated to purchase carbon credit offsets.
In addition to high-quality biodiesel, the plant will produce pharmaceutical- and technical-grade glycerin. Pipeline transport of fuel and waterless processing will result in near-zero production emissions at the facility, the commission stated.