ACE outlines ethanol priorities to EPA on regulatory reform

April 13, 2017

BY American Coalition for Ethanol

The American Coalition for Ethanol submitted a public comment addressed to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt thanking him for establishing a Regulatory Reform Task Force to evaluate existing regulations and make recommendations regarding those that can be repealed, replaced and modified to make them less burdensome. The Task Force will consider public comments to carry out its charge.

On behalf of ACE’s 500 members, executive vice president Brian Jennings provided the EPA with the following recommendations to tackle regulatory burdens which unnecessarily limit the production and use of ethanol and stall job creation and economic growth in rural America.  

-Allow Reid vapor pressure (RVP) relief to E15 and higher ethanol blends. 



-Update the lifecycle analysis of corn ethanol. 

-Modify EPA’s mistaken interpretation of Section 211(f) of the Clean Air Act, because it currently limits the concentration of ethanol in fuel without cause. 

-Streamline the approval process for high-octane fuels such as E25-40 blends. 



-Adjust fuel economy (CAFE) compliance to allow flex fuel vehicles to utilize the same incentives that are provided to other alternative fuel vehicles. 

-Discontinue use of the MOVES2014 emissions model until a new emissions study based on real-world test fuels and methods is conducted.

“EPA has already stated its commitment to implementing EPA programs within the rule of law,” Jennings said. “We encourage that commitment and stand ready to work with Administrator Pruitt to ensure EPA’s regulatory actions are based on sound science, adhere to legal authority and help remove the red tape that currently discourages the use of higher blends of ethanol and obstructs the ability for high-octane fuels to compete in the marketplace. We urge the task force to consider our recommendations which will ultimately help spur economic growth while protecting the environment.” 

On March 24, EPA Administrator Pruitt issued an agency-wide memorandum on implementation of Executive Order 13777, which announced members of the required Regulatory Reform Task Force and directed program offices to seek public input on existing regulations and report findings to the Task Force. EPA formerly began seeking public comments on April 11 and they will be accepted through May 15.

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