AFBF: Trump, Biden outline agricultural priorities

September 9, 2020

BY American Farm Bureau Federation

A new look into the priorities for rural America of President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden is revealed in responses to a questionnaire distributed by the American Farm Bureau Federation. AFBF asked the Republican and Democratic candidates to respond with their stances on several topics directly affecting America’s farmers, ranchers and rural communities, including trade, labor, regulatory reform and sustainability.

“The views of Farm Bureau members are as diverse as the food that is grown in this country, but we share the same goal of choosing leadership that will help America thrive,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “We are at a crucial time for agriculture as we navigate the challenges of a global pandemic, trade wars and depressed markets. It is important for our members to understand where the presidential candidates stand on issues important to rural America.”


President Trump’s responses focus largely on his first-term accomplishments. He pledges a science-based approach to regulation going forward. He commits to addressing the “rural/urban divide” and emphasizes support for voluntary conservation programs.

Former Vice President Biden’s responses focus heavily on environmental sustainability and improving prosperity in rural communities. He, too, pledges to rely on experts and scientists when it comes to policies and regulation. He commits to “rebuilding the middle class” and working with farmers to achieve net-zero emissions.

The questionnaire includes 12 questions. In addition to the topics listed above, it covers food system resiliency post-pandemic, rural life and health, biotechnology, clean water, the Endangered Species Act, energy, taxes and farm policy programs.


The answers are presented as they were received, unedited, to give members an unfiltered look at each candidate’s platform. AFBF has invited candidates from both parties to respond to election questionnaires for more than 40 years. The survey is available now on



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