September 10, 2014
BY 2G Cenergy
The oldest brewery in the U.S. is operating a 2G Cenergy 400 kW/h combined-heat-and-power (CHP) power plant, serving about 20 percent of Yuengling's total electricity needs at the brewery, saving the owner significant dollars.
Yuengling is joining the group of smart breweries that embrace new advanced biogas technologies and modern CHP energy conversion systems from 2G Cenergy. The cogeneration module was supplied "all-in-one" and "plug and play".
The world famous brewery will use the heat generated by the plant to heat the breweries pasteurization process, a critical component of the beer production process. That allows Yuengling to save additionally significant amounts of energy. Less steam is required to heat the breweries tunnel pasteurizers, and that in itself represents substantial savings.
"It's definitely ahead of the curve on technology, and a huge jump forward," said Robert Seaman Jr., plant manager Yuengling, in an interview with the Republican Herald.
The methane gas is generated at the Yuengling brewery wastewater treatment plant and an anaerobic digester designed by Environmental Management Group International, Inc. 2G Cenergy also supplied the gas treatment system to dehumidify the saturated gas, and to remove H2S contained in the raw biogas. The CHP system has been designed as dual fuel module and can be operated on low Btu biogas, as well as pipeline quality natural gas.
Ulrich Nielen, sales director at 2G Cenergy, said, “This is an exciting investment for Yuengling, not only because of the many savings and advantages that the facility will create for the breweries economy, but also because this is a significant milestone in our growing presence in the American brewery market segment.”
Research carried out by independent market analysts predicts that installations of biogas powered CHP energy conversion systems in the U.S. will substantially grow over the next 10 to 15 years. The increasing popularity of biogas plants is expected to emerge through a growing need to enhance waste-to-energy processes and the accelerating adoption of advanced distributed generation technologies.
“The U.S. biogas sector is in a very vibrant phase, with a range of anaerobic digester companies coming forward with more advanced and proven technologies, many new projects, and aspirational targets,” said Michael Turwitt, president & CEO of 2G Cenergy. “The increased focus on renewable energy and smart biogas solutions to turn waste into valuable energy, and the undisputed benefits associated with smart biogas energy generation are driving steady growth and demand for the use of highly efficient biogas CHP distributed power plants.”