Cellulosic ethanol RINs were generated in January


February 19, 2014

BY Erin Voegele

The U.S. EPA has published renewable identification number (RIN) data for January, reporting the first generation of cellulosic ethanol RINs since 2012. While both D3 cellulosic biofuel and D7 cellulosic diesel RINs were generated last year, EPA data indicates all 2013 cellulosic RINs were generated for cellulosic drop-in gasoline and diesel.

A total of 58,415 D3 cellulosic biofuel RINs were generated in January for 43,692 gallons of fuel. According to EPA data, 14,247 D3 RINs were generated for 14,247 gallons of ethanol. The remaining 44,168 D3 RINs were generated for 29,445 gallons of renewable gasoline. All 58,415 D3 RINs were generated by domestic producers. No D7 cellulosic RINs were generated during the month.

More than 8.57 million D5 advanced biofuel RINs were generated in January, including 4.89 million for ethanol, 1.93 million for biogas, 1.35 for naptha, and 398,238 for renewable diesel. Approximately 5.91 D5 RINs were generated by domestic producers, with the remaining 2.66 million generated by importers.

EPA data shows 1.17 billion D6 renewable fuel RINs were generated in January, including 1.15 billion for ethanol. Approximately 24.44 million D6 RINs were also generated for renewable diesel. An estimated 1.15 billion D6 RINs were generated by domestic producers, with 24.44 generated by foreign entities.


Nearly 135.14 million D4 biomass-based diesel RINs were generated in January. Approximately 85.7 million were generated for biodiesel, with 494.36 million generated for renewable diesel.

Additional RIN data is available on the EPA website.


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