U.S. Census Bureau
April 22, 2015
BY Erin Voegele
In honor of Earth Day and Earth Week, the U.S. Census Bureau has released an edition of Profile America Facts and Features that includes examples of Census Bureau statistics pertaining to energy and the environment, including those related to bioenergy.
According to the Census Bureau, revenues in 2012 for electric power generation industries that use renewable energy resources, including biomass, reached $9.8 billion. Biomass electric power generation alone achieved $934.6 million in revenues in 2012. This is a 49 percent increase from the $6.6 billion reported in 2007. In 2012, there were 697 renewable energy business establishments, up from 312 in 2007.
The Census Bureau also reported 2.4 million occupied housing units across the U.S. were heated by wood in 2013, accounting for 2.1 percent of all homes.
The statistics also show 53,515 workers were employed in forestry and logging across the U.S. in 2012, with an average salary of $39,616. In 2011, only 53,034 workers were employed in forestry and logging, with an average annual salary of $37,986.
The the Census Bureau’s Earth Day Profile America Facts for Features release includes statistics on a wide range of energy and environmental topics, including renewable energy; heating and cooling the home; commuting to work; working in the nuclear and forestry fields; using energy; building a house; reducing, reusing and recycling; and collecting revenue.
Additional information on the Earth Day Profile America Facts and Features is available on the Census Bureau website.