EPA opens 120-day comment period on Clean Power Plan

June 18, 2014

BY Erin Voegele

The U.S. EPA published its proposed rule to regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants in the Federal Register on June 18, officially opening a 120-day comment period. The proposal, officially tilted the Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Source: Electric Utility Generating Units, or the Clean Power Plan, was first announced by the EPA on June 2.

The proposed rule aims to reduce carbon emission by 30 percent by 2030 when compared to 2005 emissions levels. Specific targets are set for each state. The use of biomass-derived fuels is one of several strategies identified by the EPA as a way to meet the proposal’s carbon reduction goals.

The proposal will be implemented through a state-federal partnership that is designed to provide each state with flexibility in meeting its specific goal. Under the partnership, states will identify a path forward using either current or new electricity produced and pollution control policies. Information on proposed carbon pollution reduction levels for each state is available on the EPA website.

The EPA has announced four public hearings on the proposal. Hearings in Atlanta and Denver are scheduled for July 29. A third hearing will be held July 30 in Washington, D.C. The final scheduled hearing will take place in Pittsburgh on July 31. Additional information on the events and registration forms for those who would like to speak at the hearings is available on the EPA’s Clean Power Plan website



Public comments on the proposal will be accepted through Oct. 16. Comments can be submitted on online via the Regulations.gov website under Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602. Comments can also be summited using EPA’s online form, http://www2.epa.gov/carbon-pollution-standards/forms/comment-clean-power-plan-proposed-rule email, fax, mail, hand deliverrry or courier. Additional information on how to submit a comment is available on the EPA website.




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