Marching into Development & Construction

December 23, 2015

BY Anna Simet

I write this blog fresh off of the March Biomass Magazine planning meeting. The theme that month is project development and plant construction, one of my favorite themes, and arguably one of the most important issues of the year.

Although it can be challenging for a variety of reasons, we love to get on site for the stories we include in this issue. Boots-on-the-ground stories are always better, and I’m sure you can imagine why. A couple of favorites in the past couple of years were Tim Portz’s “Priming a Manmade Masterpiece,“ written from his experience onsite of the Gainesville Renewable Energy Center, and “A Dot on the Map,” which I wrote after I visited Ontario Power Generation’s Atikokan Generating Station.

We have an excellent roster of potential options for this year’s slate of featured projects, all in various stages of development/construction, but I thought I would open it up to invitations before anything is concrete. There are always projects out there that we haven’t heard about, and if yours might be one of those, reach out to me. It’s a bonus if you’re willing to let us come out there and see what you’ve got going on, or at least allow us to send a photographer out there. We prefer that these projects are either under active construction, are in the process of starting up, or have just recently come online. And by recently, we're talking within the past couple of months.





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