Mississippi plant to produce pellets, liquid biofuels

December 26, 2013

BY Staff

BlueFire Renewables Inc. has announced plans to reconfigure its proposed Fulton, Miss., cellulosic biofuel plant to include wood pellet production. The new design includes a 9 MMgy cellulosic ethanol plant along with 400,000 tons of annual pellet production capacity. The company originally planned to construct a 19 MMgy cellulosic ethanol biorefinery. 

"This restructure provides a more robust economic model for the Fulton facility with a significant increase in projected revenues. It has become apparent in our attempts to obtain financing for the project that the right synergies and revenue model would be needed to build this first-of-a-kind facility," said Arnold Klann, president and CEO of BlueFire. "The optimum use of biomass in the integrated facility strikes a much better balance of revenue with costs and a better utilization of resources. The more profitable use of capital and the enhanced security of projected revenue streams more closely match what the banks have been requiring in the very conservative and restricted credit markets.”





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