NGA launches clean energy initiative

August 27, 2007

BY Michael Shirek

Posted Sept. 13, 2007, at 1:11 p.m. CDT

National Governors Association (NGA) Executive Chairman Gov. Tim Pawlenty, R-Minn., and Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, D-Kan., announced the NGA's Securing a Clean Energy Future initiative Wednesday, signaling the group's commitment to promoting clean energy policies at the state level.

"Our nation has enjoyed more than a hundred years of inexpensive energy, seemingly inexhaustible oil and a relatively forgiving environment," Pawlenty said in an NGA news release. "But America can no longer rely on business-as-usual to meet its energy needs, and the nation's governors are prepared to lead the way in crafting a sensible, sustainable clean energy future."

The initiative will promote state policies that affect changes in energy use by stressing efficiency and conservation, promote biofuels as an alternative to petroleum products, take reasonable steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and aid the research and development communities working on clean energy technologies.

U.S. DOE Secretary Samuel W. Bodman joined Pawlenty and Sebelius in announcing $610,000 in support of NGA's work, investing $550,000 in the Securing a Clean Energy Future initiative and $60,000 to support NGA's efforts to increase energy assurance.

Members of the Securing a Clean Energy Future task force include Pawlenty and Sebelius as co-chairs along with Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle, Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, Pennsylvania Gov. Edward G. Rendell and Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire.

More information on the Securing a Clean Energy Future initiative can be found at





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