S.D. agencies encourage citizens to support ethanol

August 4, 2008

BY Ryan C. Christiansen

Web exclusive posted August 12, 2008 at 2:47 p.m. CST

A new advertising campaign encourages citizens to "sign up for ethanol" by learning more about the benefits of ethanol production and communicating their support to legislators.

During the month of August, the South Dakota Corn Growers Association, South Dakota Corn Utilization Council, and South Dakota Ethanol Producers Association will run advertisements in 10 daily newspapers and 32 weekly newspapers across the state to highlight the role that ethanol plays in the nation's energy security and economic development, according to Teddi Mueller, legislative and industry affairs director for the SDCGA and SDCUC. She said the first ad appeared Aug. 3 in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.

The first advertisements informed readers that instead of purchasing fuel from countries that are thousands of miles away and sometimes hostile, domestically-produced renewable fuel like ethanol can help to secure the nation's energy demands while investing in the nation's economy.

"When I'm out in the community, people have stopped me and said, 'Hey, that's a great ad, way to go guys!'" Mueller said. "South Dakota wants to say that it's easy to sit here and do nothing, but you need to show the industry as a whole that we're here, that we're OK."

Future advertisements will inform readers that ethanol helps to lower gas prices for consumers and will inform them about the impact that the ethanol industry has on the domestic economy.

Daily newspapers in Aberdeen, Brookings, Huron, Madison, Pierre, Rapid City, Sioux Falls, Watertown, Yankton, and Mitchell, S.D., will run the advertisements, Mueller said. Weekly newspapers that serve communities within a 30 mile radius of a South Dakota ethanol plant will also include the advertisements. The total cost of the advertising campaign is $100,000, not including the cost for ad development, she said.

"You're kind of in ethanol mecca here in South Dakota," Mueller said. "Ethanol is so big in this state. We're making great strides in delivering the message and staying very positive."

The print advertisements have been forwarded to the organizations' counterparts in other states, Mueller said, adding that they have been asked if they can run the advertisements in their states, too, using their own organizations' logos.

Mueller said a press release concerning the advertising campaign was sent out to ethanol and agricultural industry organizations. The Web site, www.signupforethanol.com, includes information and links to additional information about the ethanol industry and encourages visitors to sign a guestbook to show their support for ethanol.

News about the Web site has been spreading, Mueller said. "There is a huge grassroots push just to show the power of ethanol," she added.





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