View From The Hill

October 3, 2007

BY Bob Dinneen

Perhaps never in the history of our nation will the productivity of American farmers receive as much attention as it will this fall. Without a doubt, all eyes in Washington, D.C., are watching intently as farmers harvest what promises to be the largest corn crop in history.

To be sure, the importance of this year's corn harvest cannot be overstated. With a manufactured choice between food and fuel proliferating through the media and around Capitol Hill, the ability of American farmers to demonstrate their productivity is critical.

The anticipated production of more than 13 billion bushels of corn will more than satisfy the needs of human food and animal feed markets. It means that cattle ranchers, poultry growers and pork producers will have ample supply of both corn and distillers grains to meet their livestock feeding needs. It also goes a long way toward ensuring that ample foodstuffs are available for those who need it.

Thirteen billion bushels of corn also means that supply exists to continue the growth of the U.S. ethanol industry that is providing America with a real and growing alternative to foreign oil. This alternative is also helping to stimulate investment in rural America, create well-paying jobs and provide economic opportunity to small communities across the country.

Thirteen billion bushels of corn also provides lawmakers on Capitol Hill proof that their support of ethanol is justified. It provides them reassurance that they are correct to reject the inflamed rhetoric of livestock producers, food processors and the oil industry as short-sighted and self-serving.

Thirteen billion bushels of corn also sets the bar high for corn growers in the future. The U.S. ethanol industry will continue to rely upon the productivity of American corn growers as we rapidly develop next-generation ethanol production from feedstocks other than grain.

At a 2006 Renewable Fuels Association event, President Bush said, "It would be a good thing when a President can sit there and say, gosh, we've got a lot of corn, and it means we're less dependent on foreign sources of oil."

Mr. President, go ahead and say that today.

Bob Dinneen
President and CEO
Renewable Fuels Association





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