The largest biodiesel plant in New Jersey is now producing biodiesel.
Fuel:Bio Holdings LLC's 50 MMgy plant in Elizabeth, N.J., began making product last month, according to Eric Friedman, Fuel:Bio's vice president of sales and marketing.
Despite its significant size, the facility flew under the radar mainly due to its swift construction schedule. Friedman said work on the plant, named Fuel:Bio One LLC, began in September 2006.
The plant is expected to be the first of 10 the company builds along the East Coast. Friedman said Fuel:Bio Holdings will wholly or partly own the projects. "We will have 500 million gallons of capacity in less than 24 months," Friedman said in a February interview.
Construction of the next nine plants is expected to duplicate Fuel: Bio One. The Elizabeth plant was built quickly due to its location on a brownfield site. The former fuel terminal location had an existing tank farm and utilities. Fuel:Bio modified tanks for biodiesel production and storage. Friedman said the company used a proprietary technology for its continuous flow process design.
The plant began initial testing in mid-February. Following a week of de-bugging equipment and successful ASTM tests, product was delivered to a cross-section of groups blending the fuel with ultra low sulfur diesel.
Friedman said the plant will ship approximately 50 percent of its product by barge with the rest split between truck and rail. A CSX rail line runs adjacent to the site, he said. "Our imperative was to have barge access," Friedman said.
The Elizabeth plant started up using soy oil as feedstock. However, the plant will eventually use multiple feedstocks, possibly including palm oil. Friedman said Fuel:Bio would consider using palm oil only if it's grown using sustainable farming practices.
Fuel:Bio Holdings is a relatively new company to the world of biodiesel. Friedman said the company was created in July 2006 and its headquarters are located at the offices of the Fuel:Bio One LLC plant.
Eastern Biofuels is New Jersey's former largest producer. The plant in Newark, N.J., produces approximately 24 MMgy from soy oil.
Dave Nilles is Online Editor for
Biodiesel Magazine. Reach him at or (701) 373-0636.
Posted: 10:33 a.m. CST Tuesday, March 13, 2007