Blue Flint Ethanol celebrates 10 years

June 30, 2017

BY Staff Report

Blue Flint Ethanol in Underwood, North Dakota, is celebrating a successful 10 years of operations.

Located adjacent to Coal Creek Station, Blue Flint Ethanol is the first collocated, directly integrated ethanol plant in the world.


Since Blue Flint began producing ethanol and dried distillers grains in February 2007, the plant has evolved into a biorefinery, integrating corn oil production and an E85 blending station.

Blue Flint Ethanol, a 70 MMgy facility, has produced more than 650 million gallons of ethanol in its 10 years of operations. That ethanol is shipped via truck or rail to markets in the U.S. and Canada.


Blue Flint Ethanol uses 24 million bushels of corn annually. In addition to ethanol, that corn is used to make 200,000 tons of distillers grains, enough to feed about 300,000 head of cattle and more than 2 million gallons of corn oil per year, which is marketed for use as a feedstock for the biodiesel production process.



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