Portable blending station opens in Wisconsin

May 11, 2009

BY Susanne Retka Schill

Bio Blend Fuels Inc. has opened its first blending station alongside the company's newly opened 2.6 MMgy biodiesel plant in Manitowoc, Wis. The blending station, American Fuel Blending Systems, is a portable unit with above-ground heated storage and a self-contained dispensing system complete with a credit card reader.

Available with 5,000 or 10,000 gallon tanks, the unit can be used for B20, B50 and B99 blends, as well as programmed for individual blending requirements. Don and Tracy Kaderabek, founders of both companies, designed the blending station to compliment its biodiesel processing system making biodiesel from animal fats. The heated tank of the blending station maintains the ideal temperature for optimal blending of the animal fat-based biodiesel, he explained.

The Kaderabeks suggest the American Fuel Blending System will have distinct advantages in certain situations. For example, it would be ideal for seasonal industries such as a marine or RV location where the smaller capacity reduces the concern over having leftover fuel at the end of the season or for a construction companies that could move the station as they move to new construction sites.



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