Springboard Biodiesel CEO wins award

May 19, 2010

The CEO of Chico, Calif.-based Springboard Biodiesel, Mark Roberts, was honored recently with the Innovator of the Year Award by the Chico Chamber of Commerce during a local annual awards ceremony held at the Chico Fairgrounds.

Roberts was honored with the award for his work in promoting small- to mid-scale biodiesel production both locally and nationally. Springboard Biodiesel manufactures and sells small-scale, fully automated biodiesel processors, trademarked The BioPro line, that are used widely by businesses, universities, farmers and other groups who want to save money on their fuel costs while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The company is preparing to release a fully integrated, multifeedstock processing system this summer that will allow its operators to make ASTM-grade biodiesel from the lowest-cost feedstock available. The system is called the ILP, which stands for Intelligent Local Production. Springboard Biodiesel anticipates its release will help to further promote local, affordable biodiesel production and usage.



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