
Chris Hanson

Photo of Chris Hanson

[email protected]

Latest Articles

Jun 28, 2014

California Craft Beers and Biogas Bargains

On-site biogas installations are saving craft brewers heat and water treatment costs.

Europeans describe the challenges of introducing technology to North America.

Multiple factors, including winter weather and shale oil traffic, presented logistical challenges for dried distillers grains marketers and ethanol producers early this year.

Someday, cattle may be able to have distillers grains and eat the container too, thanks to a plastics ingredient manufacturer and feed company.

Explosion suppression, spark detection and extinguishing technology help stave off dust explosions at biomass power plants.

Sugar beets as an advanced biofuel feedstock has North Dakota scientists researching outside of the box.

Without a grand opening or bravado, the Vireol Bio-Energy LLC plant in Hopewell, Va., officially began operations after sitting idle since 2010. Originally named Appomattox Bio Energy, the facility was sold to Vireol in March 2013.

After the Environmental Working Group released its anti-corn ethanol report, the Renewable Fuels Association responded. According to the RFA, the report relies on overblown and disputed assumptions of land use change.

Florida-based Garb Oil & Power Corp. has entered into an asset purchase agreement to acquire process equipment for pellet production and a 40,000 square foot warehouse. The agreement is expected to close later this year.

Some ethanol producers are capturing renewable identification numbers (RINs) and promoting higher ethanol blends.

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