
Tim Albrecht

Photo of Tim Albrecht

[email protected]

Latest Articles

Sep 10, 2018

LCFS Matures

FROM THE OCTOBER ISSUE: Amendments to California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard could lead to favorable changes for the ethanol industry.

FROM THE OCTOBER ISSUE: Managing employee morale requires offering opportunities for advancement and keeping employees informed about the companies' successes.

FROM THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE: Up-to-date knowledge of environmental permits and laws, as well as thorough record keeping, can prevent noncompliance that results in costly penalties.

FROM THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE: Organizational standards and safety strategies can help eliminate incidents that fall outside the coverage of OSHA regulations.

Advanced Biofuels Canada announced the release of the Biofuels in Canada 2018 report, which updates and expands upon the last annual report by Navius Research released in 2017 and in 2016 in partnership with Clean Energy Canada.

FROM THE AUGUST ISSUE: Membrane dehydration technologies save energy, reduce carbon emissions and provide flexibility in ethanol purity. More plants are installing them and more technology developers are offering them.

Jul 16, 2018

United Front

FROM THE AUGUST ISSUE: Experts in multiple industries support the idea of a high-octane fuel standard, but some prefer it as a replacement to the RFS.

Jun 26, 2018

Sweet-Spot Search

FROM THE JULY ISSUE: Cellulose molecules are more complex than starch molecules, so employing the proper enzymes in cellulosic ethanol production is vital. Optimization research is ongoing.

FROM THE JULY ISSUE: The energy efficiency push has achieved industry-wide results that experts hope can change outdated government and consumer perceptions of ethanol's benefits.

Occidental Petroleum Corp. and White Energy have agreed to evaluate the economic feasibility of carbon capture, utilization and storage project that would use CO2 from White Energy's ethanol plants in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations.

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