
Sue Retka Schill

Photo of Sue Retka Schill

[email protected]

Latest Articles

Apr 15, 2022

A Focus on Pyrolysis Coproducts

CHAR Technologies builds its business case around flexibility in feedstock and outputs.

Confidence builds in overcoming the hurdles slowing corn kernel fiber-to-cellulosic ethanol approvals.

U.S. EPA data shows D3 RINs generation for cellulosic biofuel totaled 15.9 million RINs in February, compared with 459,000 reported for January.

Two prolific biofuel market analysts and ag economists from the University of Illinois, Darrel Good and Scott Irwin, say the U.S.'s annual production and consumption of biomass-based diesel is likely to continue to increase through 2022.

New technology developer White Dog Labs has been selected as a semifinalist in the $20 million Carbon Xprize, announced shortly after its peer-reviewed research paper was published in the journal Nature Communications.

Low-carbon alternative energy will be the focus of a new Canadian conference in the planning. “Scaling Up: Delivering Canada's low carbon, biobased economy through sustainable innovation,� is set for Nov. 14-16 in Ottawa.

Applications are due March 4 to respond to a U.S. DOE request for information about public and private sector capabilities in pilot scale verification of biofuels and bioproducts processes.

Advanced biofuels can be exploited to meet sustainable development and climate change mitigation goals, says a new report from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. The report updates a similar 2014 survey.

Trestle Energy LLC has received a favorable carbon intensity rating from the California Air Resources Board for a pathway approach that creates a new coproduct credit from using corn stover for electric generation.

EPA's final RFS rule was a shock to the RIN markets. D4 biomass-based diesel RINs went up 30 percent and D6 RINs, dominated by corn ethanol, increased more than 90 percent. University of Illinois economists Irwin and Good examine the recent trends.

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