BIO-CIRCULAR ENGINE: Simultaneous and Successive Use of BioDiesel as Bio-Lubricant and Bio-Fuel in Diesel Engines. Biodiesel (B100): As New Bio-Lubricant for all Internal Combustion Engines. B100 + HVO + Other biodiesel = SAF = Marine Diesel. Procedure BIO-CIRCULAR ENGINE: Applicable for Jet Turbofan engines and Container Ship Engines.
R&D - and consulting - with focus on refuse and rare feedstocks and optimized, patented biodiesel processing for higher yields and better economy. Efficient pretreatment schemes for SAF to extend catalysts lifetimes and improve yields at lower than state of the art CAPEX and OPEX. Main interest: retrofitting and upgrading existing first generation units to higher generation ones.
We are research, development, engineering solution(Troubleshooting ), production and finance company. We specialize on Natural gas and Syngas treating(dehydration and sour gas removal), NGL, LPG, module LNG, power generation, accidental investigation. The following is our technology: Oil sludge solution, CO2 convert to natural gas, Low temperature heat recovery, H2S scrubber(dry base), SO2 scrubber, H2S to S(SRU Claus process) and APC(advanced Process control). Project funding is our niche. Please contact for finance detail.