Biodiesel Directory

AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH

Since 1982 AT is a globally active full-service engineering firm serving markets in the oleochemical industries. In its dual role as process supplier and plant manufacturer AT provides custom-tailored technology solutions and equipment for the veg oil industry as well as the oleochemical industry. Another of AT’s business fields is retrofitting of existing biodiesel and glycerol production facilities. This involves optimization of existing production facilities for high-FFA or MULTI-FEEDSTOCK operation, energy efficiency or performance. The fundamental purpose of AT technology is the integrated conversion of a diversity of feedstocks into first and second generation biodiesel with maximum yield and the highest possible product quality. Innovative processes such as for example enzymatic esterification result from research activities in our own laboratory as well as from intensive collaboration with NOVONESIS or BASF, directly benefiting our customers.

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BDI-BioEnergy International

Since 1996, BDI-BioEnergy International has been developing resource-saving technologies for upgrading industrial residual and waste streams. BDI designs projects of all sizes, building and retrofitting plants to produce the purest biofuels and valuable by-products. True to its motto “”, the company guides its customers along every step of the way – from technology research and development, to customized plant engineering, construction, and commissioning, as well as comprehensive customer service upon completion. More than 70 projects all over the world prove BDI’s expertise as meaningful references, while the company’s innovative strength is evidenced by more than 320 patents.

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CF Technologies, Inc.

Critical Fluid Processing experts developing waste-to-energy FOG and brown grease-to-biofuel technology for biodiesel, marine fuel, rail fuel and diesel replacements. Boston based with a mobile demonstration system ready to transform your brown grease into usable fuel. Commercial systems perfect for 1-2 MGY processing, for inexpensive decentralized local fuel production.

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French Oil Mill Machinery Co.

French Oil Mill Machinery Company is an ISO-certified, 4th generation family-owned U. S. company that custom designs, manufactures and supports process equipment for the biodiesel, oilseed and synthetic rubber industries. For biodiesel we offer oil extraction and recovery equipment. Since 1900 French has partnered with their stakeholders in over 80 countries worldwide to provide products with superior value and superior service that improve their customers’ productivity and reduce their overall production costs. French’s 225,000 square foot worldwide headquarters, manufacturing facility and testing facility are located in Piqua, Ohio.

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MarqMetrix, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

MarqMetrix technology has revolutionized industries such as oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology. Its innovative Raman spectroscopy technology enables real-time analysis of the feed stream, analytes (nutrients), byproducts, and products in ethanol production processes. This capability provides invaluable insights and actionable data for monitoring and optimizing ethanol production operations. MarqMetrix's state-of-the-art Raman analyzer delivers accurate identification, quantification, and characterization of substances, empowering the ethanol production industry to achieve enhanced efficiency and environmental sustainability. Trusted by leading companies in various sectors, MarqMetrix drives advancements and breakthroughs in critical industries worldwide.

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Panama Petrochem Ltd.

Panama Petrochem Ltd is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of petroleum specialty products and has consistently provided quality services since 1975. Panama Petrochem Ltd has four manufacturing units in India namely in Ankleshwar (Gujarat), Daman (Union Territory), Dahej (Gujarat, SEZ) and Taloja (Dist. Raigadh) having infrastructure, with state-of-the-art technology and storing capacities. Panama Petrochem is also listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE).

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