South Florida used cooking oil collection service for restaurants and any entity in need of fryer oil pickup service including food trucks! Offering a completely free service to include new and refurbished tanks and hot water pressure washing of collection area to include old tank removal. Call today!!! Grease Beast has been operating in South Florida, Dade, Broward, Palm Beach counties has been our service area since 2008.
D&W Alternative Energy is a used cooking oil recycling company which provides professional used cooking oil collection and grease trap cleaning for companies in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware (NJ, PA, DE). We’ve been providing used cooking oil recycling near to restaurants and food processing plants in NJ, PA and DE since 2009. Many clients save both time and money by combining our grease trap cleaning service with our restaurant cooking oil recycling. Call us to find out how. Custom automation, great service and grease trap cleaning make us a unique used cooking oil recycling company. You can call us anytime and speak to a human being who can solve your problem in minutes not days.
Based in Toronto, Canada, Green Oil Inc. (GOI) is a recycling company procuring used cooking oil for turning into biodiesel and/or renewable diesel. We process the raw used cooking oil in our warehouse to meet the specification of feedstocks for biofuel production. We also provide grease trap cleaning service. GOI has Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) by the Government of Ontario and International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) certificate. Since founded in 2010, we've been serving more than five thousand restaurants, hotels, universities, and others across Ontario, Canada.
We source used cooking oil from food service establishments and deliver feedstock.