• GCI (Grace Consulting, Inc.) Emissions Testing Services is proud of our heritage of over forty (40) years of industrial air emissions testing experience, dating back to our initial inception in 1983. Incorporated as GCI since 2000, the company operates in compliance with the ASTM D 7036-04 Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emissions Testing Bodies (AETB), and has received full accreditation from the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) in partnership with the Stack Testing Accreditation Council (STAC), as well as maintaining National Environmental Laboratory (NELAP) accreditation for both our brick & mortar and mobile monitoring laboratories. With consistent, quality services provided by over fifty (50) test technicians; certified crew leaders, each with a minimum of 15-20 years of experience; a fleet of eighteen (18) mobile monitoring laboratory trailers; an arsenal of interchangeable and redundant Apex equipment; in-depth QA/QC, safety, and training programs; and multiple nationwide offices to mobilize from; GCI is able to remain flexible and economical for our clients’ scheduling and financial constraints. We would certainly love to be granted the opportunity to provide these services to you, too!