Structural Seismic Professional Engineering Firm serving US and Global customers. Third-party Engineering Reviews, Independendent Peer Rreview, Offshore Floater and Onshore Oil and Gas Compressor & Rotating Equipment Skid PE Certification, Process Equipment Skid Analysis, MEP/HVAC Seismic Restraint; Equipment Skid Structural Analysis, Vibration, Wave Motion, Blast Analysis, Solar + Wind Structural Analysis and Design, Pipe Rack , Material Handling Conveyor Trusses, Towers-Bents, Bin, Silo and Tank Structural and Foundation Design and Analysis, FEM Analysis, Seismic, Flood Hazard, Earthquake Structural Calculations. PRC PE Certif ASME BPVC VIII-1 App 47 PV Mfrs Design. Prrof Licenses held in UT CA WA WY AZ AK
175 Blackfoot Street
Mesquite, NV 89027