A Delaware research effort is focused on producing biodiesel from seashore mallow. The pink-flowering perennial resembles a soybean plant, and its seeds produce about the same amount of oil. Unlike soybeans, the plants can be grown in salty soil, which makes them a perfect fit for production in shoreline areas impacted by rising sea levels and high tides.
By Bryan Sims
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty's proposal to implement a statewide B20 standard by 2015 didn't surprise residents as they were the first to fuel up with E10. Biodiesel Magazine talks to organizations tasked with meeting the state's aggressive renewable fuel mandates.
By Jerry W. Kram
The biodiesel industry is facing a feedstock crisis and desperately looking for alternatives. Even the best alternatives to virgin vegetable oil could take years to develop. Or will they? A Dutch firm with ties to the biodiesel industry is the first to market an industrial-scale algae photobioreactor that may provide a solution to oil-hungry producers.
By Nicholas Zeman
All-terrain vehicles have served off-road needs on the farm for years. Now a new product from Arctic Cat Inc. will give farmers the opportunity to fuel these workhorses with biodiesel produced from the soybeans they grow. It also gives the renewable fuel an opportunity to prove its worth to small-engine manufacturers.
By Anduin Kirkbride McElroy
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that publicly funded fleets in southern California can be required to buy low-polluting vehicles that run on compressed natural gas or other alternative fuels. Should the biodiesel industry be concerned about a possible precedent?