
November 2008

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Business Briefs

Petrotec increases net sales




Oilseed Comes of Age

By Susanne Retka Schill

Camelina has yet to make the scene as a biodiesel feedstock, thanks partly to high commodity prices that dampened farmers' interest in trying the new crop. Enough has been raised to test its biodiesel performance and promoters still praise its potential.

Is jatropha a wonder crop that can transform the biodiesel industry and provide a quick and easy income for farmers? Although many of these claims are true, numerous challenges must be overcome before large-scale production of the biodiesel feedstock can begin. Jatropha holds a great deal of potential, but only if it's properly developed, which may take years.

No one is currently producing economical amounts of biodiesel from algae oil but California-based Solazyme has been making small amounts and using it for demonstrations in this diesel-powered Mercedes.

Algae Interests Align

By Jerry W. Kram

After decades of study and millions of dollars in investments, using algae as a feedstock for alternative fuels seems tantalizingly close. However, several hurdles remain, prompting the cooperation of those interested in the economical development of algae oil as a biodiesel feedstock.

Rothsay Biodiesel is a 9 MMgy biodiesel facility using animal fats, but if the new U.S. blenders tax credit extension is modified to extend full credit to recycled vegetable oils, then the plant is likely to use more waste vegetable oil in its operat

The Skinny on Fats

By Ron Kotrba

The North American rendering industry takes anything that isn't used for food from the animal carcass-all 60 billion pounds-and recycles it into everything from animal feed to biodiesel feedstock. Here's an overview of North American rendering and biodiesel from animal fats.

Philadelphia Fry-o-Diesel uses brown grease, otherwise known as trap grease, to produce biodiesel. Brown grease has a higher free fatty acid content than yellow grease, and is often much more contaminated with water and sediments.

A Greasy Alternative

By Kris Bevill

One of the most popular feedstocks being used by biodiesel producers today is yellow grease. Biodiesel Magazine examines the logistics of using waste cooking oil.

Continued Strength in Oil Prices

By Ryan C. Christiansen

Around the world, the forecast for biodiesel feedstock prices is more of the same as consumption threatens to outpace production.

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