
August 2011

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Business Briefs

Business Briefs

By Staff


Green Fuels America spearheads an innovative approach to vertically integrated, community-scale project development

RFS2 mandates biodiesel production, but local communities need a cooperative approach

BIOJET FEED: Earli­er this year, Rentech received approval by the Province of Ontario, Canada, to ob­tain a long-term supply of up to 1.3 million tons per year of Crown timber for the com­pany’s planned biobased jet fuel project, Project Olympia

ASTM Approval

By Bryan Sims

Hydroprocessed biojet achieves significant milestone toward commercialization


Defeating NIMBYism

By Al Maiorino

Overcome project opposition through strategic offense and building a local alliance

Quick and Dirty Feedstock Characterization

By Christina Borgese and Marc Privitera

Practical advice for cash-strapped community-scale biodiesel plants

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