By Ron Kotrba
By Joe Jobe
By Joseph Borst
Several U.S. producers, including Genuine Bio-Fuel, Hero BX and the now-defunct Promethean Biofuels, in addition to Miami-based biodiesel exporter and hopeful technology provider Lagosur, sketch out overviews of international developments.
By Ron Kotrba
After an extended period of policy uncertainty, the final renewable fuel standard (RFS) rule and a two-year retroactive reinstatement of the $1-per-gallon blenders tax credit are expected to bring stability back to the U.S. biodiesel sector.
The U.S. biodiesel industry had to prove its durability in 2015, but the release of finalized RVOs and reinstatement of the blender tax credit offer many a hopeful outlook for 2016.
By Anna Simet
Despite less than ideal economic and policy conditions, the biodiesel industry continues to move forward, and not just one project at a time. Here are several plants that have come on-line in late 2015 or are preparing to start operations in 2016.