
USIPA welcomes resolution of European Forest Strategy

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By U.S. Industrial Pellet Association

October 08, 2020

The U.S. Industrial Pellet Association has welcomed the European Parliament's resolution on the "European Forest Strategy—the Way Forward," which recognizes that the forest value chain is fundamental to the circular bioeconomy.

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The U.S. exported 585,883.3 metric tons of wood pellets in August, down from 643,727.5 metric tons in July and 738,303.23 metric tons in August 2019, according to data released by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service on Oct. 6.

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The EIA released its Winter Fuels Outlook and an updated Short-Term Energy Outlook on Oct. 6, reporting that approximately 1.8 million households will use cord wood or wood pellets as their primarily residential spacing heating fuel this winter.

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When it comes to wood pellet process design, experience matters.

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The Danish government announced a political agreement on Oct. 3 that establishes new sustainability requirements for woody biomass used to produce heat and electricity in Denmark. USIPA applauded the agreement, calling it strict but workable.

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Taking Another Look at Torrefaction

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By Tom Causer

October 04, 2020

Analysis shows torrefied wood pellets can reduce cost-of-use for power plants, generate more profits for pellet manufacturers and reduce carbon footprints.

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Can Lubricants be Green?

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By John Sander

October 02, 2020

When properly manufactured and used, most lubricants can be considered environmentally considerate.

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USDA launches OneRD Guarantee Loan Initiative

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By Erin Voegele

October 02, 2020


The USDA announced on Oct. 1 it is now accepting applications for its four key loan guarantee programs under the OneRD Guarantee Loan Initiative, which was launched earlier this year to make it easier for lenders to access those four loan programs.

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Material Prep Vital for Quality Pellets

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By Pellet Mill Magazine

October 01, 2020

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Jobs in the renewable energy sector reached 11.5 million globally in 2019, according to a report released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) on Sept. 29. Bioenergy accounted for 3.58 million jobs, up from 3.18 million in 2018.

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The Department of Energy on Sept. 23 issued its FY 2021 solicitation for the Technology Commercialization Fund, which aims to advance the commercialization of promising energy technologies and deploy lab-developed technologies to the marketplace.

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The USDA announced on Sept. 23 it is making $7 million available under the Advanced Biofuel Payment Program. The agency will accept applications from advanced biofuel producers during the month of October.

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Pinnacle responds to Fibreco silo incident

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By Pinnacle Renewable Energy

September 23, 2020

Pinnacle Renewable Energy on Sept. 22 that it has temporarily diverted all pellet shipping activity to its wholly owned Westview shipping terminal in response to a structural failure of a silo at the Fibreco Export Inc. shipping terminal.

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Natural Resource Canada is has announced it will award approximately $21 million to support several clean energy projects in Indigenous communities in Ontario and the Northwest Territories, including 11 biomass projects.

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Drax Biomass is donating $20,000 to help families in Northeastern and Central Louisiana who were impacted by Hurricane Laura last month. The funds donated are going to hurricane relief efforts driven by the United Way and local food banks.

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Japan is proposing to shorten the eligibility window for previously approved and future biomass projects under its feed-in tariff (FIT) program, according to a report filed with the USDA FAS Global Agricultural Information Network on Sept. 18.

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U.K. renewable energy generation increased by 30 percent during the first quarter of 2020, reaching 40.8 terawatt hours (TWh), according to data released by the U.K. Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy on Sept. 10.

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The European Commission on Sept. 17 released a plan that aims to reduce European Union GHG emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030 when compared to 1990 levels. The goal would put the EU on a pathway to reaching climate neutrality by 2050.

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Leaders of Enviva and Drax Group are among the nearly 200 business leaders, investors and organizations that recently sent a letter leaders of the European Union and EU member states urging the EU to increase GHG emission reduction targets.

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Enviva Partners LP has completed its previously announced acquisition of Georgia Biomass's wood pellet production plant in Waycross, Georgia, and associated contracted terminal capacity in Savannah, Georgia.

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration recently released data showing U.S. manufacturers produced approximately 750,000 tons of densified biomass fuel in May, with sales reaching about 670,000 tons.

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The Biogenic CO2 Coalition has filed a petition for rulemaking with the U.S. EPA providing a detailed explanation of the scientific and legal basis for the agency recognize the carbon neutrality of biogenic carbon emissions from crops.

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The U.S. Department of Energy on Sept. 8 issued a request for information (RFI) regarding bioenergy workforce-development methods and tools available, as well as those needed in the U.S. Responses can be filed through Nov. 2.

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The USDA announced on Sept. 10 it is seeking input on the most innovative technologies and practices that can be readily deployed across U.S. agriculture to meet the goals of the agency's Agriculture Innovation Agenda.

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Doug Tiffany and Doug Durante, the respective winners of the International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo's Award of Excellence and High-Octane Award, will deliver acceptance speeches at the virtual FEW on Sept. 16.

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AFBF: Trump, Biden outline agricultural priorities

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By American Farm Bureau Federation

September 09, 2020

A new look into the priorities for rural America of President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden is revealed in responses to a questionnaire distributed by the American Farm Bureau Federation.

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Japan-based Toyo Engineering Corp. announced on Sept. 2 it has been awarded a contract to construct the proposed wood pellet-fueled 75 MW Ichihara Yawatafuto Biomass Power Gogo Kaisha facility, located in Ichihara-shi, Chiba, Japan.

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U.S. electricity generation from renewable energy sources is expected to rise from 17 percent in 2019 to 20 percent in 2020 and 22 percent in 2021, according to data released by the EIA in latest Short-Term Energy Outlook on Sept. 9.

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Vermont's wood fuels sector employed 1,794 workers and contributed more than $64.3 million to the state's gross regional product last year, according to a clean energy report recently released by the Vermont Public Service Department.

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Enviva Forest Conservation Fund helps protect Virginia ecosystems

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By U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities

September 03, 2020

The Virginia Department of Forestry has secured a conservation easement on 618 acres located along the Meherrin River in Southampton County. The transaction was possible due, in part, to a grant from the Enviva Forest Conservation Fund.

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