
Brexit and Biomass

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By Amanda Saint

July 27, 2016

There are real concerns about what Brexit means for the future of the U.K.'s renewable energy sector, which has grown significantly with the help of EU-funded investments and subsidies.

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Astec Inc. reported a solid second quarter with a 9.9 percent increase in net sales in Q2 2016 compared to Q2 2015, a change of direction from last quarter's 3.5 percent decrease in net sales in Q1 2016 compared to from Q1 2015.

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The U.S. EPA's Scientific Advisory Board has announced plans to hold a public teleconference of the SAB biogenic carbon emissions panel on Oct. 12 as part of its continuing review of the framework for biogenic CO2 emissions from stationary sources.

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In-house pellet plant labs enable fuel quality monitoring, an asset for regularly audited producers.

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The Pellet Fuels Institute returns to Asheville, North Carolina, for its annual conference being held July 24-26, hosting approximately 170 attendees and nearly 30 exhibitors.

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Endowment launches updated bioenergy database, mapping tool

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By U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities

July 25, 2016

The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities recently announced the launch of the revitalized wood bioenergy facility database and mapping tool. The site,, is the most comprehensive database of its kind in North America.

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A recent study published by the World Bioenergy Association addresses the challenges European cities are facing within global climate mitigation policy and explains the contributions biomass can offer to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

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Baltic Rim Wood Fiber Supply and Demand

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By Tracy Leslie

July 24, 2016

Chip quality market data will enable Baltic States to further capitalize on the energy chip export industry as it expands.

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A report recently filed with the USDA Foreign Agriculture Service's Global Agricultural Information Network provides an overview of the European Union's biofuel market, including data on wood pellets and biogas.

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Billion-Ton Update authors discuss report findings

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By Anna Simet

July 21, 2016


On July 19, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute held a briefing to discuss the U.S. Department of Energy's 2016 Billion-Ton Update, its methodology and data collection strategies, findings and goals.

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Residents of the Northeast Kingdom region of Vermont who switch to modern wood heating systems are currently eligible for subsidies and rebates of up to $10,500, including funding from the state and Northern Forest Center.

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The U.S. Departments of State, Commerce and Energy are inviting suppliers and providers of clean energy, smart grid and energy efficiency solutions to participate in an interactive directory of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions.

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Clarkson University researchers believe they have figured out the cause of wood pellet-derived carbon monoxide, and a potential solution involving the treatment of wood fiber with ozone. The researchers expect to scale-up the study later this year.

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Taming the Power-Hungry Beast

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By Ron Kotrba

July 15, 2016

New federal regulations went into effect June 1 that require motor manufacturers to produce an even broader scope of more efficient designs for the U.S. industrial market.

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Anyone who has worked in the renewable energy sector generally and the wood pellet sector specifically understands how important public policy is to industry growth and stability, a notion underscored multiple times in the July/August issue.

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Researchers at the University of Georgia have crossed American sweetgums with their Chinese cousins, creating hybrid sweetgum trees that have a better growth rate and denser wood than natives, and can produce fiber year-round.

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A report recently filed with the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service's Global Agricultural Information Network provides an overview of the Russian federation's biofuels industry, including data on likely growth with wood pellet production and exports.

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When Good Intentions Become Counterproductive

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By Charlie Niebling

July 14, 2016

Niebling says sometimes well-intended incentives, such as those associated with Renewable Heat New York, can become de facto regulations. These initiatives and others must better align with marketplace realities to build market penetration.

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Cofiring is one of the themes for the December issue of Biomass Magazine, along with conversions and integrations.

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Newly appointed U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May has abolished the U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change as part of a larger ministerial overhaul. The functions of the DECC will be transferred to other government departments.

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Whether on the road toward complying with new regulation or championing for equal consideration in policy, the pellet industry persists in its ongoing conviction.

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If implemented correctly, a well-designed quality management plan should target increased production efficiency to optimize pellet tonnage produced with the least amount of customer complaints or other product performance related issues.

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Within 25 years, the U.S. could produce enough biomass to support a bioeconomy, including renewable aquatic and terrestrial biomass resources that could be used for energy and to develop products for a variety of uses and benefits.

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The U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change recently released first quarter 2016 energy statistics in its Energy Trends and Energy Prices publications, reporting 8.3 percent of final energy consumption in 2015 came from renewables.

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What's Next for the UK?

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By Seth Ginther

July 12, 2016

While it is too early to know the full implications of the U.K. vote to leave the European Union, Ginther provides some insight on what it might mean for export/import industries, like the pellet industry.

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Researchers investigate impact of biomass harvest on wildlife

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By D'Lyn Ford, North Carolina State University

July 12, 2016

North Carolina State University researchers announce results of four-year study on how biomass harvesting treatments impact wildlife, noting no significant impacts were found. The study addressed six different harvesting treatments.

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Forssjö Pellets exemplifies the Swedish pellet industry, at one time the global leader in pellet production and consumption.

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Spencer Group has won a contract from Lynemouth Power Ltd. to design and build wood pellet facilities at the Port of Tyne. The contract includes design and construction of a facility for the handling, storage and rail-loading of wood pellets.

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REA: New fossil power fails to deliver as biomass, renewable can

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By Renewable Energy Association

July 08, 2016

The United Kingdom Department of Energy and Climate Change data reveals that 5 GW of conventional, fossil fuel-powered generation that were awarded contracts under the Capacity Market scheme have missed their targets for delivering the projects.

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With the United Kingdom's recent vote to exit the European Union, it has left many in the renewables sector—over here in the U.S., largely global pellet market stakeholders—what might happen to the country's biomass sector.

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