
Biden signs new SAF, hydrogen, clean fuel tax credits into law

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By Erin Voegele

August 16, 2022


President Joe Biden on Aug. 16 signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, calling the legislation the "biggest step forward in climate—ever" and stressing it will allow the U.S. to boldly take additional steps towards meeting its climate goals.

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The ITA is seeking additional nominations for members of its Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee in an effort to widen the pool of qualified candidates and to ensure that diverse points of view are represented.

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The ITA is seeking additional nominations for members of its Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee in an effort to widen the pool of qualified candidates and to ensure that diverse points of view are represented.

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President Joe Biden on Aug. 16 signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, calling the legislation the “biggest step forward in climate—everâ€� and stressing it will allow the U.S. to boldly take additional steps towards meeting its climate goals.

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The House on Aug. 12 voted 220 to 207 to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, a legislative package that includes a wide range of provisions that benefit the biofuel and bioenergy industries. President Biden is expected to sign the bill soon.

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The House on Aug. 12 voted 220 to 207 to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, a legislative package that includes a wide range of provisions that benefit the biofuel and bioenergy industries. President Biden is expected to sign the bill next week.

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During a recent USDA agricultural trade mission to the Philippines, representatives from the U.S. Grains Council and Mariano Marcos State University signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on biofuels.

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BBI International has announced the 39th Annual International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo will be held June 12-14, 2023 at the CHI Health Center in Omaha, Nebraska. Speaker presentation abstracts will be accepted through Feb. 10, 2023.

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MN Bio-Fuels releases 1H 2022 report

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By Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association

August 10, 2022

The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels) released its 2022 Half-Year report to its members at an event in Bloomington on Aug 3. The report highlights work the group has done to promote E15 and the ethanol industry.

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BBI International has announced the 39th Annual International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo will be held June 12-14, 2023 at the CHI Health Center in Omaha, Nebraska. Speaker presentation abstracts will be accepted through Feb. 10, 2023.

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The Canadian government on Aug. 3 awarded $1.8 million under Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's AgriAssurance Program to Bioindustrial Innovation Canada, a nonprofit group that supports the commercialization of sustainable technologies.

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On Aug. 9, Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs submitted comments to the California Air Resources Board following its initial workshop on potential revisions to its low carbon fuel standard (LCFS).

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Clean Fuels Alliance America and other clean energy groups are assuring the New York Department of Environmental Conservation that ample supply exists to meet the state's Bioheat fuel mandate, which was due to take effect on July 1.

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On Aug. 5, Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Chris Bliley testified before the Denver Regional Air Quality Council on the role higher blends of biofuels can play in reducing emissions of cars on the road today.

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In comments filed with the California Air Resources Board on Aug. 8, the RFA stressed that the next iteration of the state's LCFS must be technology-neutral and allow low-carbon renewable fuels to compete fairly.

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Growth Energy celebrated the 17th anniversary of the Renewable Fuel Standard, signed into law on Aug. 8, 2005, by outlining the biofuel sector's top priorities for the U.S. EPA's fast-approaching update to the program.

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The EPA on Aug. 1 opened a 15-day comment period on two additional peer review candidates that are under consideration to serve on an external expert panel to peer review the EPA's third triennial report to Congress on biofuels and the environment.

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The Senate on Aug. 7 passed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 by a vote of 51 to 50 along party lines. Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote. The bill includes a range of provisions benefiting biofuel and bioenergy prodcution.

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The EPA on Aug. 1 opened a 15-day comment period on two additional peer review candidates that are under consideration to serve on an external expert panel to peer review the EPA's third triennial report to Congress on biofuels and the environment.

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A team of USDA ARS scientists at the agency's National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research in Peoria, Illinois, used adaptive laboratory evolution to generate the hardy yeast strain Clavispora NRRL Y-50464.

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U.S. operatable biofuels production capacity was down slightly in May, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on July 29. Feedstock consumption, however, was up when compared to both the prior month and May 2021.

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The Nebraska Department of Revenue on Aug. 1 began accepting applications from fuel retailers to claim a recently established sales tax for higher blends of ethanol. Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a bill establishing the credit earlier this year.

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CARB posts RFA, Growth Energy report on E15

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By Renewable Fuels Association and Growth Energy

August 02, 2022

On July 29, the California Air Resources Board posted the Renewable Fuels Association's and Growth Energy's joint multimedia evaluation of E15 blends Tier 1 report, the initial step in a three-tiered evaluation process of the fuel blend.

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On July 28, Growth Energy submitted comments to the U.S. EPA in response to EPA's proposed alternative RIN retirement schedule for small refineries urging the agency to hold small refineries to a Dec. 1, 2022, deadline for 2020 RVO compliance.

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Senate democrats on on July 27 announced an agreement to add the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 to the FY2022 Budget Reconciliation bill. The legislative package will benefit the U.S. ethanol industry, according to the RFA and Growth Energy.

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Senate democrats on July 27 announced an agreement to bring the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 to vote. The bill includes many bioenergy incentives, particularly the extension and modification of existing tax credits and creation of new ones.

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Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, on July 26 introduced the Next Generation Fuels Act, which aims to leverage higher-octane fuels to improve engine efficiency and performance. Rep. Cindy Axne, D-Iowa, introduced the bill in 2021.

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Strategic Biofuels has announced that the State of Louisiana recently enhanced its CSS legislation with provisions that provide additional carbon dioxide (CO2) reservoir storage security for projects in Caldwell Parish.

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MN Bio-Fuels: Gov. Walz tours Guardian Energy

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By Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association

July 26, 2022

Gov. Tim Walz visited Guardian Energy on July 22 to take a closer look at the plant's state-of-the-art production capabilities, the important role ethanol plays in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and it's impact on rural economies.

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The U.S. EPA and Growth Energy on July 22 filed a consent decree agreement with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that requires the agency to proposed 2023 RFS RVOs by Nov. 16, 2022, and finalize the 2023 RVOs by June 14, 2023.

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