
Clean Fuels: Biomass-based diesel can replace Russian oil

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By Clean Fuels Alliance America

March 10, 2022

BusinessPolicyNorth America

Clean Fuels Alliance America sent a letter to President Biden pledging readiness to maintain homegrown fuel supplies, mitigate consumers' economic pain, and speed the nation's clean energy future in support of the administration's ban on Russian oil.

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The U.S. EPA on March 10 issued a notice to all obligated parties under the RFS that the agency will disclose certain confidential business information (CBI) related to SRE petitions to the U.S. Government Accountability Office on March 28.

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On March 8, following President Joe Biden's embargo of Russian oil and gas, the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association called on the administration to take immediate action to increase consumer access to E15 and relieve high gas prices.

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Sens. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, and Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., on March 9 introduced the Home Front Energy Independence Act, a bill that aims to put into a law a ban on Russian oil and includes provisions to increase the use of ethanol and other biofuels.

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Sens. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, and Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., on March 9 introduced the Home Front Energy Independence Act, a bill that aims to put into a law a ban on Russian oil and includes provisions to increase the use of biodiesel and other biofuels.

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Iowa's congressional delegation is urging the Biden administration to expand the production and potential export of ethanol and biodiesel to meet global energy needs as the U.S. and its allies look to decrease reliance on Russian oil.

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Iowa's congressional delegation is urging the Biden administration to expand the production and potential export of ethanol and biodiesel to meet global energy needs as the U.S. and its allies look to decrease reliance on Russian oil.

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As part of ongoing market development efforts in Chile, Guatemala and Mexico, and to increase ethanol use in Colombia, the U.S. Grains Council hosted a delegation comprised of key government and industry representatives in late February.

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Growth Energy has submitted supplemental comments to the U.S. EPA responding to erroneous comments from others on the environmental, economic, and compliance impacts of EPA's proposed 2020, 2021, and 2022 RVOs under the RFS.

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A report released by the DOE in February found that the development of CCS technology poses no significant supply chain risk and will support U.S. net-zero goals. In addition, CCS deployment could produce up to 1.8 million good-paying jobs.

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Biofuel, ag groups tell Biden biofuels can lower fuel prices

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By Growth Energy and Renewable Fuels Association

March 04, 2022

To provide relief at the pump in response to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis while simultaneously reducing carbon emissions from the transportation sector, six ag and biofuel groups are urging Biden to allow year-round sales of E15.

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The Indiana Senate on March 3 voted to uphold Gov. Eric Holcomb's April 2021 veto of a bill that would have implemented additional labeling requirements for fuel pumps located within the state that sell E15.

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OPINION: Shocked by electric vehicle growth? Don't be

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By Ron Lamberty, chief marketing officer, American Coalition for Ethanol

March 03, 2022

ACE's Ron Lamberty puts current electric vehicle sales into perspective. Despite a 80 percent increase in electric vehicicle sales last year, those sales accounted for only 435,000 vehicles in a 15.5 million vehicle market, he explains.

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In the wrap-up session of a two-day EPA workshop, Reid Detchon, senior advisor for climate solutions for the United Nations Foundation, urged EPA to stop dwelling on uncertainties in GHG modeling and incorporate Argonne's GREET model.

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The FAA is accepting applications for up to $1 billion in funding offered through the newly established Airport Terminal Program. Projects that support terminal development related to SAF are among those eligible to apply for the program.

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On March 2, more than 200 Iowa biofuels supporters from around the state packed the Iowa State Capitol rotunda to show support for the Iowa Biofuels Access Bill, which aims to boost consumer access to E15 and B20 blends.

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Following President Joe Biden's State of the Union address on March 2, ACE CEO Brian Jennings issued a statement underscoring steps the administration can immediately take to address pain at the pump and other urgent challenges.

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Representatives of the biofuels industry on Feb. 28 filed two separate petitions in with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit challenging a final rule issued by the EPA in December setting GHG emissions standards for MY 2023-2026 vehicles.

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A rally of about 200 soybean farmers, biodiesel producers and other biofuel supporters descended on the Iowa capitol on March 2, urging the senate to vote for a bill to increase consumer access to higher biofuel blends including B20 and E15.

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Representatives of the biofuels industry on Feb. 28 filed two separate petitions in with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit challenging a final rule issued by the EPA in December setting GHG emissions standards for MY 2023-2026 vehicles.

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OPINION: At NEC panel discussion, fuel retailers bearish on EVs

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By Robert White, vice president of industry relations, Renewable Fuels Association

March 01, 2022

RFA's Robert White discusses the challenge fuel retailers face as they need to balance current driver demand with future regulatory and consumer trends, especially when it comes to electric vehicles.

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The U.S. EPA is implementing a new process by which the Science Advisory Board will assess the science that informs decisions regarding proposed rules. The process will restore opportunities for peer review and strengthen the independence of the SAB.

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The U.S. EPA is implementing a new process by which the Science Advisory Board will assess the science that informs decisions regarding proposed rules. The process will restore opportunities for peer review and strengthen the independence of the SAB.

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Previewing a feature article in the April issue of Ethanol Producer Magazine, editor Tom Bryan explains how the industry is in a crunch to find a quick and permanent solution to E15's summertime ban in areas of the country using conventional gas.

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Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor on Feb. 24 participated in the USDA's 98th Annual Agricultural Outlook Forum. Skor was a featured panelist in the plenary session titled, “Growing Market Opportunities for Climate Smart, Sustainable Agriculture Systems.�

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Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., are uring the Senate EPW Committee to consider legislation introduced last summer that aims to make corn ethanol ineligible for meeting Renewable Fuel Standard RVOs.

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The U.S. EPA has released updated renewable identification number (RIN) data, reporting that nearly 1.78 billion RINs were generated under the Renewable Fuel Standard in January, up from 1.4 billion generated during the same period of 2021.

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Canadian Council for Sustainable Aviation Fuels launches

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By Canadian Council for Sustainable Aviation Fuels

February 24, 2022

Canadian aviation industry leaders are joining forces to create the Canadian Council for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (C-SAF), whose mission is to accelerate the deployment of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) in Canada.

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The U.S. EPA has released updated renewable identification number (RIN) data, reporting that nearly 1.78 billion RINs were generated under the Renewable Fuel Standard in January, up from 1.4 billion generated during the same period of 2021.

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The U.S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration is recruiting participants for the Clean EDGE Asia Business Development Mission to Indonesia and Vietnam. Biofuels companies are among those encouraged to participate.

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