SOURCE: U.S. Energy Information Administration
August 1, 2023
BY Erin Voegele
The USDA has appointed 36 members to serve on the newly formed Greenhouse Gas Technical Assistance Provider and Third-Party Verifier Program Advisory Council, informally known as the Growing Climate Solutions Act Advisory Council.
U.S. operable biofuels production capacity increased slightly in October, with a small gain for ethanol, according to data released by the U.S. EIA on Dec. 31. Feedstock consumption was down when compared to October 2023.
Global Clean Energy Holdings Inc., a renewable fuels innovator and camelina producer, on Dec. 20 announced that its Bakersfield Renewable Fuels Facility is commercially operational, producing approximately 250,000 gallons of renewable diesel daily.
Kansas State University biochemists have used synthetic biology techniques to significantly increase the amount of acetyl-triacylglycerols in pennycress and camelina. The achievement could benefit biofuel producers.
The U.S. EPA on Dec. 19 released data showing that 2.03 billion RINs were generated under the RFS in November, up from 2.01 billion generated during the same month of 2023. Nearly 22.9 billion RINs were generated during the first 11 months of 2024.