June 9, 2014
BY Future Farm Industries Cooperative Centre
The Bioenergy Knowledge Discovery Framework is the nation’s premier source of information on biomass potential, providing high-quality data that can guide investments in support of a robust bioeconomy for sustainable, low-carbon energy sources.
On Aug. 30, Korean Air began using domestically produced SAF for the first time on flight KE719 from Seoul Incheon to Tokyo Haneda. Korean Air is the first Korean flag carrier to operate commercial flights partially powered by SAF produced in Korea.
The U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) is overseeing a call for industry partnerships to connect industry stakeholders with the capabilities of the Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium.
Operable U.S. biofuels production capacity increased in June, with gains for both ethanol and renewable diesel, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Aug. 30. Feedstock consumption was up for the month.
Avflight Mesa, in partnership with leading aviation fuel supplier, Avfuel Corp., is excited to announce it now offers an emission-reducing fuel option: sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The first truckload of SAF arrived on Aug. 28.