Photo: Bangchak
February 25, 2020
BY Ron Kotrba
Thai petroleum refining company and fuel retailer Bangchak has started selling B10 at its more than 400 service stations across Thailand.
Calling the fuel “Hi Diesel S B 10,” Bangchak is promoting its higher cetane number, performance, engine-cleaning characteristics, and ability to reduce smog and PM2.5 particulates while boosting palm prices for farmers.
On Feb. 19, the company held an event called “Bangchak Hi Diesel S B 10: Diesel Fuel of the Year” at its Srinakharin branch with Sontirat Sontijirawong, Thailand’s energy minister, as a special guest. In addition, Chaiwat Kovavisarach, president and CEO of Bangchak along with other executives from the firm, high-level officials from the Ministry of Energy, automaker executives, and the actor Natthawut Skidjai attended the event.
Sontijirawong said the energy ministry has introduced the “Energy for All” policy, which aims to give everyone access to energy and ensure that grassroots people benefit from energy policies. As a result, energy mechanisms have been deployed to drive the grassroots economy and solve the problem of falling crop prices. The ministry has promoted B10 as standard diesel fuel in Thailand and pursued the goal of making B10 available at all service stations across the country from March 1 onward.
The promotion of B10 in Thailand has stabilized palm-oil prices, reduces particulates and, as a result of the energy ministry’s policies, saves consumers money.
The energy ministry also asserts that B10 has no adverse impact on compatible engines, which are specially designed by carmakers for use with biodiesel blends. Furthermore, the ministry monitors and checks fuel quality at both manufacturing line and service stations to assure fuel quality.
Montana Renewables LLC has delivered its first shipment of 7,000 gallons of SAF to Dearborn, Michigan's Buckeye Pipeline facility. From there, the fuel will be transported to the Detroit Metropolitan Airport via pipeline for use by Delta Air Lines.
NYC took a monumental step towards clean air and a sustainable future on Jan. 11 with the grand opening of the city's first retail fuel station dispensing renewable diesel. The project is a collaboration between Sprague and Sonomax.
The USDA on Jan. 11 awarded $19 million under the Higher Blend Infrastructure Incentive Program. The grants will support projects in 22 states to expand the availability of higher ethanol and biodiesel blends.
Jet Aviation announced on Dec. 22 that it has signed an agreement with World Fuel Services to secure and offer sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on-site at its FBOs in Bozeman, Montana, and Scottsdale, Arizona, effective immediately.
Neste has partnered with Coleman Oil Company, a leading provider of fuels, biofuels, lubricants, and related products, to enable cities and businesses to have easier access to Neste MY Renewable Diesel in the state of Washington in the U.S.