October 29, 2019
BY Erin Voegele
The U.K. Department for Transport has announced it will invest £63 million over the next year under its Advanced Fuels Fund to support SAF producers. The agency also issued a response to its consultation on a revenue certainty mechanism for SAF.
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration has announced the Renewable Energy and Energy Advisory Committee will hold a meeting Feb. 12 in Washington, D.C. The event will also be streamed online.
Clean Fuels Alliance America hosted its annual Clean Fuels Conference in late January. During the event, experts shared the state of the biobased diesel industry today and the outlook for the near-and long-term.
Legislation introduced in the Kansas legislature on Jan. 15 aims to create a 5-cent-per-gallon tax credit to support the sale of higher ethanol blends, such as E15. Lawmakers are also being asked to consider a similar incentive for biobased diesel.
Calumet on Jan. 28 announced disbursement of the first tranche of its $1.44 billion U.S. DOEloan guarantee to support the expansion of SAF production at its Montana Renewables facility will be delayed to allow review by the Trump administration.