
May 2006

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Business Briefs

USB presents John Deere with award for factory fill



Editor's note

By Tom Bryan

NBB In Sight

By Scott Hughes

Legal Perspective

By Mark Hanson and Todd Guerrero

Talking Point

By Mark Palmer


Incorporating biofuels into an infrastructure dominated by petroleum is the next practical step in reaching greater energy independence for the United States. As the biodiesel industry expands, so too does the supply chain matrix that supports it. The journey biodiesel takes from the facilities where it is produced to the pumps where it is dispensed is an integral, yet low-key, segment of the industry.

By no means has every American biodiesel producer and distributor jumped on board with BQ-9000, but interest is steadily increasing with each passing month. Does the program have what it takes to shape the future of the industry?

Another Good Winter for Bioheat

By Anduin Kirkbride McElroy

Bioheat-biodiesel blended at various levels with residential heating oil-has been gaining considerable support and market growth over the past three years, especially in the Northeast where heating oil is still predominantly used to heat homes and buildings. After this past heating season and projecting into the next, some claim that bioheat is more than just a niche market. Rather, it represents "an explosive time for the industry," a time for which bioheat is getting fired up.

Change is the constant denominator in the fuel distribution business. From the introduction of ultra-low-sulfur diesel to demand growth and from industry consolidation to product proliferation-it's a lot for any one company to rein in. That's why biodiesel producers and consumers alike are searching for seamless integration through companies such as TransMontaigne.

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