
Pruitt confirmed as US EPA administrator

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By Anna Simet

February 17, 2017

In a 54-46 vote, Scott Pruitt has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate as administrator of the U.S. EPA. He has served as attorney general of Oklahoma since November 2010.

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PFI qualifies 20th pellet producer to standards program

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By Pellet Fuels Institute

February 16, 2017

Fiber Energy Products and Forest Energy Corp. each had a wood pellet manufacturing plant qualify for the Pellet Fuels Institute Standards Program, bringing the total number of qualified facilities to 20.

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Drax Group has released its preliminary results for 2016. Via webcast, CEO Dorothy Thompson discussed challenges and successes over the past year, as well as some of the company's future goals for biomass conversions and wood pellet production.

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Through its Bioenergy Producer Program, the government of Alberta has awarded $60 million to 31 different companies that have built or are in the process of constructing in-province bioenergy projects

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the February edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting the non-hydro renewables share of U.S. electricity generation will be 9 percent in 2017 and 10 percent in 2018.

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DONG Energy to stop all use of coal by 2023

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By DONG Energy

February 07, 2017

DONG Energy has decided that by 2023, coal will no longer be used as fuel at the company's power stations. The power stations will be replacing coal with sustainable biomass.

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Evolution Markets recently announced it has facilitated the first futures trade in residential wood pellets on the Euronext exchange. The trade was between Swedish utility Vattenfall and a European energy company.

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Three major silos have been erected as the centerpiece of large-scale wood pellet facilities at the Port of Tyne. The project is well on the way to completion, with the facilities due to be fully operational later this year.

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BETO publishes new strategic plan

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By Erin Voegele

February 03, 2017


In January, the U.S. Department of Energy's Bioenergy Technologies Office released a new strategic plan that serves as a blueprint on how it will tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in building a sustainable bioeconomy in the U.S.

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Heating the Midwest has announced it will colocate its 6th annual 2017 conference and expo with the 2017 International Biomass Conference & Expo, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The HTM event will be held April 10.

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Brazil's Secretary of Economic Development, Science and Technology formally announced that company Butiá Indústria e Comércio de Pellets Ltda's plans to construct a 36,000-ton wood pellet plant in the municipality of Butiá, Brazil.

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PFI Standards Program qualifies New York, Maine pellet plants

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By Pellet Fuels Institute

January 24, 2017

The Pellet Fuels Institute recently announced the qualification of two new pellet fuels manufacturers to the PFI Standards Program, including Lignetics' Strong, Maine, facility and New York-based Instantheat Wood Pellets.

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Ecostrat Inc. recently released a white paper providing evidence for why industry developers and lenders should stay up to speed with the latest developments in biomass supply chain research and analytics.

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Roberto Rinaldi FRSC, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London has been awarded a European Research Council Consolidator Grant to fund his work on lignin valorization.

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Obama is out, Trump is in. Today, a new era begins. We live in a great country. As an industry, we'll keep fighting the good fight.

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The wood pellet industry has doubled in the past five years, and Pellet Mill Magazine's executive editor, Tim Portz, says the next five years will be defined by the industry's ability to grasp the global opportunity that lies in front of it.

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President-elect Donald Trump has nominated former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue to lead the USDA. The nomination, which is subject to U.S. Senate confirmation, represents Trump's final cabinet selection. Perdue served as Georgia governor from 2003-2011.

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European Wood Pellet Market Potential

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By Hannes Lechner & John Dawson-Nowak

January 18, 2017

Besides more growth potential in the industrial market to 2025, the likely expansion of the premium sector post-2020 offers an opportunity for North American producers to soften the impact of predicted demand decline for industrial pellets post-2027.

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EPH Lynemouth Power has awarded Emerson a contract to help convert the 44-year-old coal-fired Lynemouth Power Station to a new biomass-fueled power plant. Emerson is responsible for helping the project come online within budget and on time.

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FutureMetrics released a white paper this month providing a strategy for how the Trump administration can help save the coal industry while boosting the industrial pellet industry with policy that supports the cofiring of wood pellets with coal.

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On Jan. 18, the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works held a hearing on the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to serve as administrator of the U.S. EPA. Biofuels were among the topics discussed.

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The smallest Nordic country is having a big impact on European pellet demand as DONG Energy, the country's largest energy company, pivots away from coal and toward woody biomass.

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The ready availability of wood pellets for biomass boilers in the North West of England has been boosted with the arrival of Forest Fuels to its new facility in Liverpool.

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2016 Billion-Ton Report Volume 2 analyzes environmental effects

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By U.S. Department of Energy

January 17, 2017

The 2016 Billion-Ton Report (BT16), Volume 2: Environmental Sustainability Effects of Select Scenarios from Volume 1 has been jointly released by the U.S. Department of Energy's Bioenergy Technologies Office and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

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The U.S. EPA has published a notice of final action on petitions for reconsideration and petitions for administrative stay regarding emissions guidelines for greenhouse gas emissions and compliance times for electric utility generating units.

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Appointing its first, full-time CEO, Carsten Huljus, is just one step in the Sustainable Biomass Partnership's transition to an established certification system.

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BBI International has announced the agenda for the technical sessions of the 10th annual International Biomass Conference & Expo, North America's largest and fastest growing biomass conference, taking place April 10-12 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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Although a number of East Central European countries lack domestic demand, exports continue to climb, fueling demand in neighboring heating markets.

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the January edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting total renewables used in the electric power sector will fall by 0.3 percent in 2017 and increase by 7.3 percent in 2018.

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The European Commission released its "Clean Energy for All Europeans" package, including one major proposed revision to the EU Renewable Energy Directive, Ginther says, with 2030 energy targets set for the whole EU, rather than for each member state.

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