
Appalachian Wood Pellets qualifies for PFI Standards Program

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By Pellet Fuels Institute

January 12, 2017

The Pellet Fuels Institute recently announced the qualification of pellet fuel manufacturer Appalachian Wood Pellets of Kingwood, West Virginia, into the Pellet Fuels Institute Standards Program.

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Drax recently announced more than 40 percent of the electricity generated on Christmas Day came from renewable sources, making it the greenest Christmas in the U.K. ever for energy generation.

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On Jan. 11, Sustainable Biomass Partnership issued a statement that the approval status of NEPCon OÜ, which became an SBP-approved certification body in September 2015, is suspended as of Jan. 6 in Russia.

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Graanul Invest AS Estonian plants are applying for SBP certification. The main evaluation audits are completed at the Imavere and Ebavere Graanul OÜ pellet plants and audits for Osula and Helme are scheduled for February.

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MHG Systems announces e-commerce service

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By MHG Systems

January 10, 2017

A novel e-commerce service, Wuudis, was recently announced by developers MHG Systems and Wuudis Ltd. The service forest allows owners to manage their forest information safely in one place.

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Enviva launches wood supply tracking system

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By Enviva Holdings LP

January 10, 2017

Enviva Holdings LP recently released the first data from its groundbreaking Track & Trace (T&T) program. T&T is a proprietary system that enables Enviva to track every truckload of wood the company procures from the forest back to its source.

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At the end of 2016, the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy released Energy Trends and Energy Prices publications for Q3 2016, reporting renewables share of electricity generation increased to 25 percent.

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Ours is an industry that scales well. Large or small, biomass operations must make a commitment to sound operations and maintenance fundamentals if they are to be successful.

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Condition monitoring advantages biomass power producers by reducing critical equipment failure while maximizing uptime and profits.

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GB Railfreight (GBRf), one of the largest rail freight operators in the U.K., has announced it has signed a rail haulage contract with Lynemouth Power Ltd. following a successful tender submission.

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Wood is Great: The Elevator Pitch

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By Dave Mance III

January 01, 2017

The industry needs to champion wood, lest we lose the culture and the infrastructure that has built up around its use.

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The wood fiber supply chain involves much more than moving raw materials from point A to point B; it is a complex system that is constantly affected by a number of variables between point A and point B.

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Bearing Down

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By Tim Portz

December 30, 2016

Producers seeking to drive down overall operating expenses must find ways to prolong roller and roller bearing life.

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The International Energy Agency has released an online, interactive global energy atlas.

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Acclimated to the brutal winter conditions in its Adirondack Mountain location, a New York boarding school is mastering its heating fuel logistics.

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Enviva begins exports at Port of Wilmington

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By North Carolina State Ports Authority, Enviva

December 28, 2016

The Enviva wood pellet domes at the Port of Wilmington are operational and began loading the first export shipment to Europe last week. The ship is expected to depart before year-end.

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Ontario Biomass Producers Cooperative Inc., a group of Ontario farmers producing and marketing biomass, recently released biomass agronomy guides and videos for switchgrass and miscanthus production.

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A new study from RISI focuses on how the European pellet supply stream may evolve.

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UMass Amherst researcher aims to improve pine biomass yield

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By University of Massachusetts Amherst

December 22, 2016

University of Massachusetts Amherst plant geneticist Sam Hazen recently received a grant to demonstrate that his new technology can be translated to grow trees that produce more wood than conventional trees.

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The U.K. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy recently announced new tariffs for biomass boilers and other renewable heat technologies under the Renewable Heat Incentive in its response to the consultation that closed in April.

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Regional Feedstock Partnership report summarizes 7 years of work

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By Katie Fletcher

December 21, 2016


The Regional Feedstock Partnership recently published a report summarizing its strides from 2008 to 2014 toward addressing issues associated with the development of a sustainable and projectable supply of feedstocks in the U.S.

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On Dec. 19, The European Commission announced it has determined that U.K. support for the conversion of the third generating unit of Drax Power Station from coal to biomass complies with European Union state aid rules.

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Enviva Partners completes Sampson drop-down acquisition

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By Enviva Holdings LP

December 15, 2016

Enviva Partners LP has completed the previously announced acquisition of the Sampson plant in North Carolina and associated off-take contracts from Enviva Holdings LP's joint venture with affiliates of John Hancock Life Insurance Co.

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Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S has announced a nine-year contract to transport pellets for Canada-based Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc. Under the contract, NORDEN will transport wood pellets from western Canada to Europe beginning in 2018.

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President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Rick Perry, a former governor of Texas, to serve as Secretary of Energy. The nomination is subject to approval by the U.S. Senate.

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration has published the initial results of a new survey launched in January 2016 to gather information on wood pellets and other densified biomass production, sales and inventory.

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A recent survey found strong public support for the production of bioenergy in the U.K., from both biomass and waste. Approximately 80 percent of respondents were in favor of bioenergy playing a bigger role in the country's energy mix.

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On Dec. 12, members of the Breakthrough Energy Coalition announced plans to invest more than $1 billion in Breakthrough Energy Ventures, an investor-led fund that will finance emerging energy breakthroughs.

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For the past 18 months, Avedøre Power Station has been converting its coal-fired power station unit, and the entire combined-heat-and-power plant is now able to produce electricity and heat based on wood pellets and straw, rather than coal and gas.

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the December edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting nonhydropower renewables will generate 8 percent of the nation's electricity in 2016, increasing to 9 percent in 2017.

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