
Viridis focuses Q3 results on Scotia, Okanagan plant operations

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By Katie Fletcher

November 18, 2015

On Nov. 17, Viridis Energy Inc. released financial results for its nine months and third quarter ended Sept. 30, reporting a profitable quarter at Scotia Atlantic Biomass and progress on the Okanagan pellet mill improvement project.

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Vietnamese producers are gobbling up market share in emerging Asian markets. Offering the world's lowest prices, market observers wonder how long it can continue.

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Kingdom BioFuel prepares to open a first-of-its-kind wood pellet mill in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The 12,000-ton-per-year wood pellet mill will provide local residents with an eco-friendly heating product throughout the coming winter.

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Five bioenergy projects in two states were among the 258 businesses nationwide receiving a total of nearly $34 million from the USDA Rural Development Value-Added Producer Grant program. The grants were announced last week.

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OPG releases third quarter results, reporting increased earnings from its contracted generation portfolio segment due to the new hydroelectric units on the Lower Mattagami River and the conversion to biomass fuel at Atikokan and Thunder Bay.

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It's Time to Have the Right Conversations

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November 16, 2015

Ginther says it's time to have fact-based and fair conversations about this industry, commending the article “Sustainability guidelines and forest market response: an assessment of European Union pellet demand in the southeastern United States."

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U.S. EPA Acting Assistant Administrator Janet McCabe has published a blog that addresses the potential role of biomass in the Clean Power Plan, and announced that the EPA will hold a workshop on the topic early next year.

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Land of the Rising Mill

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By Ron Kotrba

November 13, 2015

The East Malaysian state of Sarawak is home to the region's newest, and quite possibly the largest, pellet mill—the first of many to follow.

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Enviva Partners LP released its third quarter financial results, reporting progress on the potential acquisition of the Southampton pellet plant and that both the Wilmington terminal and Sampson plant are on track to begin operations in early 2016.

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Rentech discussed ongoing repairs and operations at its two Ontario wood pellet plants during its Q3 2015 financial earnings call.

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The Wood Pellet Association of Canada conference held last week in Halifax, Nova Scotia, hosted a power panel uniquely composed of both pellet producers and utilities sharing viewpoints on a variety of subjects.

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One of the potential stories that were on the table for the January issue of Biomass Magazine, themed plant operation, maintenance and repair, was an article about pellet stove operation and maintenance.

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A sold out day of tours launched the annual Wood Pellet Association of Canada conference Nov. 3-5 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In addition to the Port of Halifax, conference attendees visited Shaw Resources and Scotia Atlantic Biomass pellet plants.

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The third annual Wood Pellet Association of Canada conference held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Nov. 3-5, opened with a discussion on shifting markets in the global pellet industry.

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A new paper by FutureMetrics outlines reasons for the small size of the Canadian wood pellet industry, which include a small domestic heating market, low prices of electricity in some provinces and unfamiliarity with pellet heat technology.

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Study of pellet stoves measures emission levels over 30 days

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By Alliance for Green Heat

October 29, 2015

An independent assessment of popular pellet stoves conducted by the Alliance for Green Heat found that pellet stoves, unlike most wood stoves, can achieve low levels of emissions in real world settings that are in line with laboratory results.

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On Oct. 29, Resolute Forest Products Inc. released its third quarter financial results, reporting that building on the integration of the two sawmills this year, the company is focused on completing the Calhoun continuous pulp digester project.

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Maine Energy Systems (MESys) recently announced the North American release of the MESys AutoPellet Air, a modulating fully-automatic wood pellet hot air furnace. The units are being built in Bethel, Maine, by MESys and designed by OkoFEN.

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The fifth annual Exporting Pellets Conference found an industry trying to find certainty and stability as a newly elected conservative government regains power in the United Kingdom.

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Renewable sources accounted for more than 60 percent of the 7,276 MW of new electrical generation placed in service in the United States during the first nine months of 2015, according to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's recent report.

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The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) recently released its annual statistical report, providing an outlook on European bioenergy for 2015, with a comprehensive overview of the latest market trends in bioheat, bioelectricty and biofuel sectors.

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Already battling low fossil fuel prices—in some states, fuel oil is now cheaper than wood pellets—the projected El Niño winter is not welcome news.

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Astec Industries Inc. has released its Q3 2015 financial results, reporting increases in gross profits, a decrease in net sales and also providing an update on the company's wood pellet plant business.

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Wood heat is keeping the Vermont Army National Guard warm during the winter.

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Biomass Regains Congressional Ally

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By Joel Stronberg

October 21, 2015

Biomass thermal energy is too often treated by Congress as the underappreciated offspring of alternative energy. This may soon change, as the House Biomass Caucus has recently been rechartered.

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Volkswagen Scandal and Wood Heat Technology

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By John Ackerly

October 20, 2015

The Volkswagen scandal should be a wake-up call to everyone who makes appliances that have to be tested for emissions and efficiency.

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Last week, Carbon Connect released the report “Policy for Heat: Transforming the System," which is part two of the Future Heat Series, a series of two independent inquiries considering both the supply and demand of heat in U.K. buildings.

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The sale of German utility Eon's Belgium 556-MW Langerlo coal-fired power plant to wood pellet producer German Pellets is expected to close this year. Eon has signed a share sale and purchase agreement with German Pellets.

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Army Green: More Than Just a Color

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By Ron Kotrba

October 19, 2015

The U.S. Army relies on renewable energy and biomass power to become more energy-secure and resilient, while meeting its congressional mandates.

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A recent report released by the Energy Technologies Institute states that biomass combined with carbon capture and storage (CCS) remains the only credible route to deliver negative emissions to help meet the U.K.'s 2050 climate change targets.

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