
Biofuel, ag groups comment on SEC climate disclosures rulemaking

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By Erin Voegele

June 23, 2022

BusinessFeedstocksPolicyNorth America

Growth Energy, RNG Coalition, NCGA, and ASA are among the ag and biofuel groups that have weighed in on a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission proposed rule that focuses on climate-related disclosures.

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Alto Ingredients Inc. announced June 16 that it has received a $22.7 million cash grant from the USDA's Biofuel Producer Program, which provided $700 million in relief to biofuel producers who experienced market losses due do to COVID-19.

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The Fuels Institute in June published a new white paper that discusses the carbon benefits of various biofuels. The paper also addresses matters related to policy, feedstocks availability, and vehicle and infrastructure constraints.

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The Fuels Institute in June published a new white paper that discusses the carbon benefits of various biofuels. The paper also addresses matters related to policy, feedstocks availability, and vehicle and infrastructure constraints.

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Pennsylvania on June 17 announced a partial and temporary suspension of the state's 2 percent biodiesel mandate. The action aims to help fuel suppliers alleviate diesel shortages by making it easier to source diesel from surrounding states.

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The U.S. EPA has indicated it will release proposed rules related to the 2023 RFS RVO and state requests to allow summer E15 sales within the next several months. The agency will also soon finalize pending canola oil fuel pathways under the RFS.

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The U.S. EPA has indicated it will release proposed rules related to the 2023 RFS RVO and state requests to allow summer E15 sales within the next several months. The agency will also soon finalize pending canola oil fuel pathways under the RFS.

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Since the Brazil's imposition of its ethanol tariff rate quota (TRQ) in 2017, the USGC has undertaken several strategies to reverse the decision, including approaching possible in-country partners that could share trade interests.

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The U.S. EPA has released data showing that nearly 1.84 billion renewable identification numbers (RINs) were generated under the Renewable Fuel Standard in May, up from 1.72 billion generated during the same month of last year.

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The USGC has taken a targeted marketing approach to DDGS promotion in one region in western Mexico, recognizing that members of the Sonora Pork Producers Union and the Sonora Poultry Association could represent a market for 90,000 MT of DDGS.

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The U.S. EPA on June 16 published updated data on small refinery exemptions (SREs) filed under the Renewable Fuel Standard, reporting that only three SRE petitions are currently pending, down from 69 that were pending as of mid-May.

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The U.S. House of Representatives on June 16 voted 221 to 204 in favor of the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act, a legislative package that includes funding for biofuel infrastructure and a provision to allow year-round sales of E15.

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The U.S. EPA on June 16 published updated data on small refinery exemptions (SREs) filed under the Renewable Fuel Standard, reporting that only three SRE petitions are currently pending, down from 69 that were pending as of mid-May.

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The U.S. House of Representatives on June 16 voted 221 to 204 in favor of the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act, a legislative package that includes funding for biofuel infrastructure and a provision to allow year-round sales of E15.

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Some of the biggest names in ethanol kicked off the general session of the 38th International Fuel Ethanol Conference & Expo on June 14 with discussions focused on policy, carbon and new market opportunities.

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Sens. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn.; Shelly Moore Capito, R-W.V.; and Roger Wicker, R-Miss., are asking the GAO to determine whether the U.S. EPA's June 3 denial of 69 SREs must be submitted to Congress for review under the Congressional Review Act.

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Sens. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn.; Shelly Moore Capito, R-W.V.; and Roger Wicker, R-Miss., are asking the GAO to determine whether the U.S. EPA's June 3 denial of 69 SREs must be submitted to Congress for review under the Congressional Review Act.

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To help countries cut their GHG emissions and to meet their Paris Climate Commitments, the U.S. Grains Council and its industry partners continue to advocate for ethanol as an option for the decarbonization of the transportation sector.

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Renewable ethanol fuel blends are the EU's current most cost-effective solution for decarbonizing the petrol and hybrid cars that will continue to be prevalent on Europe's roads for a long time, according to new research.

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The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote this week on the Lower Food and Fuels Costs Act, a legislative package that includes funding for biofuel infrastructure and a provision to allow year-round sales of E15.

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The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote this week on the Lower Food and Fuels Costs Act, a legislative package that includes funding for biofuel infrastructure and a provision to allow year-round sales of E15.

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Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Chris Bliley testified before the CARB response to its proposed Advanced Clean Cars II regulation, which sets a goal to acheve 100 percent zero-emission vehicles sales by 2035.

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ACE has introduced a new carbon intensity (CI) calculator to help its members understand the CI of their farms and ethanol operations along with a simplified version of the tool to raise awareness about factors impacting the CI of ethanol.

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Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on June 10 sent a letter to U.S. EPA Administrator Andrew Regan asking that the agency permanently remove restrictions on E15 sales, allowing the fuel blend to be sold during the summer driving season.

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Canada's long-awaited National Clean Fuel Regulations policy, while monumental, is just be one piece of the nation's energy security puzzle. Along with supporting policies, it could address climate and simultaneously support an economic transition.

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The Renewable Fuels Association will have an active presence during the 38th annual Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo conference, taking place June 13–15 in Minneapolis. This year, RFA has three staff members speaking at the conference.

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President Biden on June 8 announced his intent to nominate Doug McKalip to serve as chief agricultural negotiator in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). The USDA, USTR and USGC have spoken out in support of his nomination.

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President Biden on June 8 announced his intent to nominate Doug McKalip to serve as chief agricultural negotiator in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). The USDA, USTR and USGC have spoken out in support of his nomination.

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The call for speaker presentation ideas is now open for the 2022 National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo (NCCC) taking place Nov. 8-9, 2022, in Des Moines, Iowa. The NCCC will accept speaker abstracts through July 8.

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The call for speaker presentation ideas is now open for the 2022 National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo (NCCC) taking place Nov. 8-9, 2022, in Des Moines, Iowa. The NCCC will accept speaker abstracts through July 8.

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