
USGC successfully defeats threat to Peruvian ethanol market

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By U.S. Grains Council

April 19, 2022


In 2017, a Peruvian agency initiated a countervailing duty investigation against U.S. ethanol on behalf of a single Peruvian ethanol company. the USGC's response helped the U.S. win an appeal that removed a 15 cent per gallon duty on U.S. ethanol.

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A public comment period on the White House Council on Environmental Quality's interim guidance on carbon capture, utilization and sequestration closed on April 18. The Carbon Capture Coalition is among the groups that weighed in on the guidance.

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On both sides of the aisle, the message is clear: Americans need more homegrown biofuels to address rising gas prices and combat volatility in the global oil market. The ethanol industry is ready, and has the capacity to replace all Russian imports.

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The Office of Science and Technology Policy, a part of the Executive Office of the President, is taking action to improve the federal definition of “sustainable chemistry� via a public comment period that is open through June 3.

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U.S. Grains Council Director of Global Ethanol Market Development Brian Healy and Juan Sebastian Diaz, Latin America regional ethanol consultant, visited Colombia in February to discuss the current state of the Colombian ethanol market.

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The IEA in March released a report predicting that global biofuels supply will reach 3.3 million barrels per day by 2026, up from 2.6 million barrels per day in 2020. The forecast was included in the IEA's Oil 2021 report.

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The Office of Science and Technology Policy, a part of the Executive Office of the President, is taking action to improve the federal definition of “sustainable chemistry� via a public comment period that is open through June 3.

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The U.S. EPA on April 18 officially opened a 30-day public comment period on its proposed rule to approve RFS fuel pathways for renewable diesel, jet fuel, heating oil, naphtha and LPG produced from canola oil via a hydrotreating process.

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A broad, bipartisan majority of Iowans support the ethanol industry and believe it is critical to the future of agriculture, the health of the state's economy, and improving environmental outcomes, according to a new survey.

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Sens. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on April 7 introduced legislation that aims to improve data reporting for renewable diesel and SAF, incentivize their production, and eliminate unnecessary labeling regulations.

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Carbon Capture Magazine's National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo will be held in Des Moines, Iowa at the Iowa Event Center on Nov. 8-9, 2022. Speaker presentation abstracts are being accepted through July 8.

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Carbon Capture Magazine's National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo will be held in Des Moines, Iowa at the Iowa Event Center on Nov. 8-9, 2022. Speaker presentation abstracts are being accepted through July 8.

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Sens. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on April 7 introduced legislation that aims to improve data reporting for renewable diesel and SAF, incentivize their production, and eliminate unnecessary labeling regulations.

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On April 12, Clean Fuels Alliance America applauded President Biden's announcements of new Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program grants and a pathway to use canola oil to produce renewable diesel and jet fuel.

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President Joe Biden on April 12 announced that his administration will reinstate the ability to sell E15 this summer in an effort to reduce high fuel prices via a national emergency waiver that will be issued by the U.S. EPA.

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On April 12, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced steps the USDA is taking to implement President Biden's plan to enable energy independence by boosting homegrown biofuels, including HBIIP grants and SAF initiatives.

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President Joe Biden on April 12 visited Poet's 150 MMgy ethanol plant in Menlo, Iowa, to discuss the U.S. EPA's plan to issue an emergency waiver allowing E15 to be sold through the summer 2022 driving season.

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The U.S. EPA on April 12 published a proposed rule approve Renewable Fuel Standard pathways for renewable diesel, jet fuel, heating oil, naphtha, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) produced from canola/rapeseed oil via a hydrotreating process.

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On April 12, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced steps the USDA is taking to implement President Biden's plan to enable energy independence by boosting homegrown biofuels, including HBIIP grants and SAF initiatives.

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The STB on April 7 announced it will hold a public hearing on April 26-27 focused on recent rail service problems and recovery efforts involving several Class I carriers. Ethanol producers are among the groups currently impacted by rail delays.

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A new campaign by the Renewable Fuels Association encourages consumers to call on their elected officials for immediate action to allow the continued sale of E15—the lowest-cost, lowest-carbon fuel available at the pump—throughout the summer.

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The USDA's NASS will hold its biannual Data Users' Meeting on April 19, 2022. During the event, the agency will share recent and pending statistical program changes with the public, and to solicit input on these and other programs.

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USDA Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small on April 6 confirmed the agency expects to distribute $700 million in COVID-19 relief funds for biofuel soon and said a new funding round for the HBIIP will open this spring.

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U.S. EPA Administrator Michael Regan confirmed the agency is currently evaluating what flexibilities it has to allow E15 sales during the summer driving season during an April 6 hearing held by the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

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The EPA has denied the 36 SREs petitions for compliance year 2018 that were remanded by a recent court ruling. The 31 small refineries whose previously approved SREs were overturned will not need purchase or redeem additional RINs to meet 2018 RVOs.

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The USDA's NASS will hold its biannual Data Users' Meeting on April 19, 2022. During the event, the agency will share recent and pending statistical program changes with the public, and to solicit input on these and other programs.

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USDA Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small on April 6 confirmed the agency expects to distribute $700 million in COVID-19 relief funds for biofuel soon and said a new funding round for the HBIIP will open this spring.

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The EPA has denied the 36 SREs petitions for compliance year 2018 that were remanded by a recent court ruling. The 31 small refineries whose previously approved SREs were overturned will not need purchase or redeem additional RINs to meet 2018 RVOs.

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RFA: E15 sales reach record levels in 2021

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By Renewable Fuels Association

April 06, 2022

Sales of E15 hit a record 814 million gallons in 2021, according to a new analysis from the RFA. The 2021 volume represented a 62 percent increase over the prior year and was nearly double pre-pandemic sales volumes in 2019.

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A group of nine senators sent a letter to U.S. EPA Administrator Michael Regan on April 1 urging the agency to improve its greenhouse gas (GHG) modeling for biofuels by adopting the Argonne National Laboratory's GREET model.

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