
OPINION: Support year-round E15 – even if you don't sell E15

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By Ron Lamberty, chief marketing officer, American Coalition for Ethanol

April 06, 2022


Ron Lamberty, chief marketing officer at the American Coalition for Ethanol, explains why all fuel retailers should support the ability to sell E15 year-round, even if they don't currently offer the fuel blend.

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During the 2022 Oregon AFL-CIO Biennial Convention, a resolution to support the Next renewable diesel project received a unanimous vote of support, reinforcing their stance on supporting responsible green projects that are committed to union labor.

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A group of nine senators sent a letter to U.S. EPA Administrator Michael Regan on April 1 urging the agency to improve its greenhouse gas (GHG) modeling for biofuels by adopting the Argonne National Laboratory's GREET model.

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Growth Energy submitted comments to the U.S. EPA on the agency's PM emissions standards and test procedures for jet engines, and the role biofuels play in reducing PM and GHG emissions in mobile sources including the aviation sector.

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OPINION: Fuel retailers join push for year-round E15

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By Robert White, vice president of industry relations, Renewable Fuels Association

April 05, 2022

As the Russian attack on Ukraine continues with no end in sight, its impact on oil and fuel prices is clearly felt each time someone fuels up at the pump. RFA's Robert White explains that E15 can offer a solution, helping to reduce fuel prices.

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The U.S. EPA has released its FY 2023 congressional budget justification, outlining the agency's plans for $11.88 billion in requested funding. Initiatives related to the RFS are among those discussed by the EPA in the 1,000-plus page document.

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Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt on April 4 sent a letter to U.S. EPA Administrator Michael Regan asking the agency to use its emergency waiver authority to allow E15 sales this summer.

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The U.S. EPA has released its FY 2023 congressional budget justification, outlining the agency's plans for $11.88 billion in requested funding. Initiatives related to the RFS are among those discussed by the EPA in the 1,000-plus page document.

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Capturing the interactions between biofuels and agricultural industries and their connections with other economic activities was key to a first-of-its kind study published by reseraches at Purdue University.

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Representatives of the U.S. ethanol industry urging the U.S. EPA to improve its greenhouse gas (GHG) modeling of corn ethanol and other biofuels by adopting the U.S. Department of Energy's GREET model and using updated, transparent sources of data.

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Capturing the interactions between biofuels and agricultural industries and their connections with other economic activities was key to a first-of-its kind study published by reseraches at Purdue University.

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The Illinois Soybean Growers is celebrating the passage of the organization's B20 legislation by the Illinois Senate. The bill transitions the sales tax incentive from 10 percent biodiesel blends to 19 percent.

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On April 1, 22 E15 fuel retail companies representing over 230 station locations across Iowa sent a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan calling on the agency to exercise its emergency powers to allow year-round sales of E15.

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Three in four American voters support expanding the availability of E15 as a way to replace petroleum imports from Russia, and more than 80 percent support increasing domestic renewable fuel production as a way to lower record-high gas prices.

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A group of 29 Members of Congress, led by Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn., on March 31 sent a letter to President Biden urging him to prioritize homegrown, renewable biofuels as a replacement for Russian energy sources.

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The White House on March 31 announced a set of proposals that aim to address skyrocketing fuel costs caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The proposals overlook the potential of homegrown biofuels and focus primarily on increasing oil supplies.

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A group of 29 Members of Congress, led by Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn., on March 31 sent a letter to President Biden urging him to prioritize homegrown, renewable biofuels as a replacement for Russian energy sources.

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Researcher uses hydrous ethanol to reduce locomotive emissions

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By U.S. Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory

March 30, 2022

Using hydrous ethanol as a dual fuel in internal combustion engines may help reduce greenhouse gases in the rail industry, according to a mechanical engineer at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory.

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The USDA's Commodity Credit Corp. announced on March 29 that it does not expect to purchase and sell sugar under the Feedstock Flexibility Program for crop year 2021, which runs from Oct. 1, 2021 through Sept. 30, 2022.

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ICE launches renewable volume obligation futures

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By Intercontinental Exchange Inc.

March 29, 2022

Intercontinental Exchange Inc., a global provider of data, technology, and market infrastructure, on March 28 announced the launch of two renewable volume obligation (RVO) futures contracts, expanding ICE's U.S. renewable fuels futures markets.

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Sales of E85 flex fuel in California surged to a new record in 2021, jumping 55 percent over 2020 levels and nearly doubling since 2018, according to new data released by the California Air Resources Board.

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On March 25, Clean Fuels Alliance America filed comments supporting the proposed consent decree in Growth Energy v. Regan (D.D.C. No. 1:22-cv-00347) that would establish a June 3, 2022, deadline for EPA to finalize the 2021 and 2022 RFS RVOs.

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The U.S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration has announced its Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee will hold a virtual meeting on March 31. The event is open to the public, but registration is required.

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Legislation introduced in the Minnesota House of Representatives on March 17 aims to create a reimbursement program that would help fuel retailers install equipment compatible with higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel.

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Growth Energy launched a new ad campaign calling on President Biden to direct his administration to lift restrictions on the year-round sale of E15 to boost energy security and combat the surge in fuel costs accelerated by the conflict in Ukraine.

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Legislation introduced in the Minnesota House of Representatives on March 17 aims to create a reimbursement program that would help fuel retailers install equipment compatible with higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel.

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The U.S. Department of Energy has announced a new $34.5 million funding opportunity to improve the current science and infrastructure for converting waste streams into valuable biofuels and bioproducts that can benefit the local energy economy.

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The U.S. EPA in holding webinars on March 23 and April 6 related to its January 2022 announcement that the agency is launching a new initiative under the TSCA that aims to streamline the review of new biobased fuels and chemicals.

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U.S. EPA Administrator Michael Regan issued a statement on Natural Agricutlure Day thanking farmers for their work to produce food, feed, fuel and fiber. He also discussed the importance of the Farm, Ranch and Rural Communities Advisory Committee.

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An important new assessment published by experts from Argonne National Laboratory, Purdue University, and the University of Illinois system found major flaws in a recent paper that made unfounded allegations about the GHG benefits of ethanol.

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