
EPA to host 2-day workshop on GHG modeling for biofuels

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By Erin Voegele

December 27, 2021

BusinessFeedstocksPolicyNorth America

The U.S. EPA will host a virtual public workshop on GHG modeling for biofuels on Feb. 28 - March 1. Information gathered through the event will be used to inform a range of current and future actions, including those related to the RFS.

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Renewable ethanol is the most immediate, cost-effective, sustainable and socially inclusive way to reduce emissions. Europe cannot afford to ignore this important part of the Fit for 55 equation, and should take these actions to improve the policy.

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In 2022, the Low Carbon Future is Here

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By Emily Skor

December 23, 2021

Ethanol is a climate solution that's affordable, available today and compatible with our existing auto fleet. Harnessing the power of higher biofuel blends is the most practical way for the U.S. to start decarbonizing our transportation sector now.

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National Farmers Union is speaking out in support of the U.S. EPA's plan to undertake rulemaking in 2022 to develop Renewable Fuel Standard canola oil pathways for renewable fuels, including renewable diesel and jet fuel.

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Biofuel producers who experienced market losses in 2020 as a result of COVID-19 have until Feb. 11 to file an application with the USDA seeking a portion of the $700 million in relief funds to be awarded under the Biofuel Producer Program.

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The United States and Japan recently announced the launching of a “partnership on trade� to continue to strengthen the alliance of the two nations through regular engagement on trade-related matters.

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The U.S. Department of Energy on Dec. 21 announced the establishment of the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, a new DOE office that will help deliver on President Biden's bold climate agenda, create new, good-paying jobs and reduce polution.

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Growth Energy is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lower court's decision that vacated a U.S. EPA rule allowing year-round sales of E15 despite the U.S. Department of Justice's recommendation that the court let the ruling stand.

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The U.S. Department of Energy on Dec. 21 announced the establishment of the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, a new DOE office that will help deliver on President Biden's bold climate agenda, create new, good-paying jobs and reduce polution.

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Biofuel producers who experienced market losses in 2020 as a result of COVID-19 have until Feb. 11 to file an application with the USDA seeking a portion of the $700 million in relief funds to be awarded under the Biofuel Producer Program.

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A new USDA program could soon establish the quantification and verification protocols necessary for long-awaited climate-smart farming incentives, which could begin to scale ethanol's role in an increasingly decarbonized transportation sector.

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OPINION: EPA sends mixed signals on clean energy, rural jobs

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By Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy

December 20, 2021

Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says the U.S. EPA's recent RFS RVO proposal is a mixed bag for the biofuels sector. She encourages members of the renewable fuels industry to speak out and help ensure the agency sets strong RFS blend requirements.

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The EPA on Dec. 20 issued a final rule setting GHG emissions standards for MY 2023-2026 passenger cars and light trucks. Despite calls from the renewable fuels industry and others, the rule does not address biofuels or a high-octane fuels standard.

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The NBB has welcomed the release of a new report, "The Economic Benefits of the Biodiesel Blenders' Credit," from Capital Policy Analytics. The report calculates annual economic and environmental benefits of U.S. biodiesel production.

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The U.S. EPA released updated SRE data on Dec. 16, reporting that two additional SRE petitions have been filed under the RFS for compliance year 2021. A total of 67 SRE petitions are now pending, up from 65 in November.

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The U.K. Trade Remedies Authority on Dec. 15 proposed to keep current anti-dumping and countervailing measures on FAME biodiesel in place for an additional five years, but remove similar measures currently in place for HVO renewable diesel.

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According to a new analysis of model-year 2022 vehicle owners' manuals and warranty statements by the Renewable Fuels Association, nearly all new automobiles are explicitly approved by the manufacturer to use E15.

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The government of New Zealand on Dec. 15 announced plans to implement a sustainable biofuels mandate based on greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions beginning at a 1.2 percent GHG reduction in 2023 that could ramp up to 9 percent in 2035.

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The government of New Zealand on Dec. 15 announced plans to implement a sustainable biofuels mandate based on greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions beginning at a 1.2 percent GHG reduction in 2023 that could ramp up to 9 percent in 2035.

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The European Commission on Dec. 10 announced it is fining Spain-based Abengoa S.A. and its subsidiary Abengoa Bioenergia S.A. EUR 20 million for participating in a cartel that fixed the benchmarks used to set wholesale ethanol prices in Europe.

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Sens. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, on Dec. 14 introduced a bill that aims to prohibit the U.S. EPA from retroactively reducing RFS RVOs. A companion bill is pending in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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Sens. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, on Dec. 14 introduced a bill that aims to prohibit the U.S. EPA from retroactively reducing RFS RVOs. A companion bill is pending in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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Growth Energy on Dec. 13 released a new report showcasing nearly universal compatibility with fuel blended with 15 percent ethanol (E15) among vehicles on the road today. The report was prepared by Air Improvement Resource Inc.

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Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on Dec. 7 sent a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan urging the agency to revise the RFS to allow biomass harvested from federal land as part of wildfire mitigation efforts to be an eligible feedstock.

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The Biden administration has signaled its intent to publish a proposed rule setting RFS RVOs for 2023 and beyond next spring. A variety of other rulemakings impacting biofuel producers are also scheduled taken up by federal agencies in the near-term.

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The Biden administration has signaled its intent to publish a proposed rule setting RFS RVOs for 2023 and beyond next spring. A variety of other rulemakings impacting biofuel producers are also scheduled taken up by federal agencies in the near-term.

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Growth Energy, NBB, NATSO and SIGMA on Dec. 9 asked Congressional leaders to exclude fuels made by co-processing biomass with petroleum at oil refineries from proposed sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) tax incentives.

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Farm, biofuel groups ask EPA to resolve summertime E15 barrier

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By Growth Energy and Renewable Fuels Association

December 09, 2021

To facilitate year-round sales of E15 nationwide, six national farm and biofuel organizations have asked the U.S. EPA to enact regulations requiring lower-volatility conventional gasoline blendstock in the summertime.

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Growth Energy, NBB, NATSO and SIGMA on Dec. 9 asked Congressional leaders to exclude fuels made by co-processing biomass with petroleum at oil refineries from proposed sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) tax incentives.

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In November, the U.S. Grains Council conducted an ethanol trade mission to Brussels and London to attend a global biofuels conference and follow-up on E10 deployment in the U.K. The team met with government officials, ethanol traders, and others.

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