
Loyola University Chicago upgrades biodiesel lab

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By Ron Kotrba

August 26, 2013

ProductionQualityNorth America

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Loyola University Chicago is expanding its biodiesel laboratory with much-needed additional space, a new, 100,000-gallon-per-year processor from Texas-based Biodiesel Experts International, and critical biodiesel analysis instrumentation.

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Pleasant Valley Biofuels has started production in its new location, Washington City, Utah, this month. This facility will operate at a capacity of 5.2 MMgy. The company was established in 2008 in American Falls, Idaho, relocating this summer.

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USEI has begun producing biodiesel through its JV with Promethean Biofuels. In the next few months, USEI says it will ramp up towards nameplate capacity and generate significant capital. Feedstock acquisition rate will near 18,000 gallons a week.

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Springboard Biodiesel entices restaurateurs at the Western Foodservice & Hospitality Show at the Los Angeles Convention Center Aug. 18-20 to do the right thing by selling its award-winning biodiesel processors to show attendees at a $1,000 discount.

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An update on the Green Energy Products plant destroyed by fire in Kansas, and how you think the industry can improve its safety record

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BDI-BioEnergy Int'l signed a contract with existing customer Stocks del valles in Spain to upgrade the 9.3 MMgy plant to process multiple, lower-grade feedstocks. A new pre-esterification unit will be installed to help accomplish the retrofit.

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Iowa biodiesel production sets second-quarter record

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By The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association

August 08, 2013

The Iowa Renewable Fuels Ass'n said the combination of a strong national RFS and reinstatement of the federal blenders tax credit has led to Iowa biodiesel plants producing a record 56.7 million gallons of biodiesel during the second quarter of 2013.

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International Procurement Tools recently signed a deal with Brazilian firm USDA to become the exclusive distributor of biodiesel production units employing the hydrolysis/esterification process

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Ames, Iowa-based Renewable Energy Group Inc. acquired the biodiesel plant for $11 million cash and issuance of a $5.1 million promissory note. The acquisition brings the company's total annual biodiesel production capacity to 257 million gallons.

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Biodiesel refiners across the country have produced more than 636 million gallons through the end of June, the EPA reported July 25. That puts the industry on pace to break the previous production record and exceed this year's RFS volume requirement.

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Malaysia is launching a B5 biodiesel mandate for its southern region, according to the Malaysian Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, following the success of its program in central Malaysia. The government is investigating use of B10.

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Florida-based Viesel Fuel owner Stu Lamb talks with Biodiesel Magazine about his plant's recent process technology upgrade

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After years in the works, Enerfuel S.A.'s 25,000 ton (7.5 MMgy) multifeedstock biodiesel plant in Sines, Portugal, has officially begun production. Enerfuel first commissioned BDI-BioEnergy International AG in 2006, but halted the project in 2008.

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Chemical engineering students at Worcester Polytechnic University in Massachusetts have been investigating biodiesel production using the Globe jacketed reactor system from Syrris, allowing computer controlled reactions in a safe manner.

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Biodiesel production stats from Brazil; a pending EU vote; Canadian biodiesel pump opens; and more international biodiesel news

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Renewable Energy Group Inc. recently completed $21 million in technology upgrades at its 30 MMgy biodiesel refinery in southern Minnesota. Within days of start-up, all biodiesel produced met the company's REG-9000 quality specifications.

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The 2013 National Advanced Biofuels Conference & Expo takes place Sept. 10-12 in Omaha, Neb. Its preliminary agenda was released this week, featuring three program tracks titled Pathways & Partnerships, Inputs & Supply Chains and Money & Markets.

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Algae.Tec has struck a deal with Biodiesel Industries Australia to refine algal oil from its carbon capture and biofuels facility, to be co-located with a 2,640 mW coal-fired power station near Sydney, an arrangement just announced last week.

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The announcement came at Willie Nelson's 80th birthday party June 6 at the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square. Nelson and wife Annie were honored for their continued commitment to advancing the use of sustainable biodiesel as founding members of the SBA.

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The plant's Biomass Fluid Catalytic Cracking unit has completed its first uninterrupted 30-day run. It also made its first shipment of cellulosic gasoline June 28, and on the same day KiOR commenced regular shipments of both gasoline and diesel.

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The Diamond Green Diesel plant located in Louisiana, designed to produce 137 MMgy of renewable diesel, has reached mechanical completion, according to Darling International Inc., and the startup process will soon lead to full production.

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Renewable Energy Group has begun operations at its recently purchased New Boston, Texas, plant, now named REG New Boston. The plant can produce up to 15 MMgy of biodiesel from a variety of feedstocks including animal fats and distillers corn oil.

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A recent study found that an Iowa hog producer realizes a $4 per head boost in profitability because of Iowa's biodiesel industry. Iowa farmers raising both crops and hogs would see nearly a 20 percent increase in net income thanks to biodiesel.

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The details on Loyola University's P3 Award-winning project

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Biodiesel production reached 135M gallons for the month of May, according to the latest EPA figures, putting the industry on target to once again exceed annual volume requirements under RFS. Total biomass-based diesel production was 140M gallons.

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