November 18, 2020
BY Erin Voegele
The U.K. government on Nov. 18 issued its 10-point plan for a green industrial revolution, which addresses sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and an accelerated phase-out of the sale of new gasoline- and diesel-fueled vehicles.
Point six of the plan focuses specifically on “jet zero and green ships.” The government said it plans to take immediate steps to drive the uptake of sustainable aviation fuels, investments in research and development to develop zero-emission aircraft, and developing the infrastructure of the future at its airports and seaports.
As part of that effort, the U.K. government said it will host a £15 million competition to support the production of SAF in the U.K., building on the success of its Future, Fuels for Freight and Flight Competition. The government will also establish a SAF clearing house to enable the country to certify new fuels. In addition, the government said it intends to consult on a SAF mandate, which it said will create a market-led demand for alternative fuels. Other initiatives will focus on battery and hydrogen technologies.
Point four of the plan focuses on accelerating the shift to zero emissions vehicles. The U.K. government plans to end the sale of new gasoline- and diesel-fueled vehicles by 2030, 10 years earlier than originally planned. The sale of new hybrid vehicles will be phased out by 2035. The government plans to consult on a date for phasing out the sale of new diesel heavy goods vehicles. Similar proposed policies in the U.S. have been criticized by those in the agriculture and biofuels industries for ignoring the potential of liquid biofuels to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The U.K. Renewable Energy Association, however, welcomed the release of the 10 point plan, noting that biofuels will still be a necessary part of the transportation fuel mix. “Renewable transport fuels will play a critical and complementary role to this policy, and will be needed in greater volumes to ensure that we maximize emissions reductions from the millions of petrol and diesel cars and vans already on our roads, not just from new ones,” said Frank Gordon, head of policy at the U.K. REA.
The eight remaining parts of the U.K.’s plan focus on offshore wind; low-carbon hydrogen; nuclear power; public transportation; greener buildings; carbon, capture, use and storage; environmental protection; and green finance and innovation. The plan does not specifically mention the potential of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), a technology being piloted by Drax. It does, however, mention bioenergy as one of the 10 priority areas that would be targeted as part of a £1 billion Net Zero Innovation Portfolio the government plans to launch.
A full copy of the 10-point plan can be downloaded from the U.K. government’s website.
Calumet Inc. released Q4 financial results on Feb. 28. During an earnings call, company officials discussed operations at its Montana Renewables facility, changing market dynamics for biobased-based diesel, and the company’s MaxSAF initiative.
U.S. operable biofuels capacity held steady in December, with no changes for ethanol, biodiesel or renewable diesel, according to data released by the U.S. EIA on Feb. 28. Feedstock consumption was up slightly from the previous month.
CARB on Feb. 26 released an updated market notice that outlines its plans for addressing regulatory clarity issues identified by the OAL that have delayed implementation of the LCFS amendments approved by CARB last year.
The government of British Columbia on Feb. 27 announced changes to the law governing its Low Carbon Fuels Standard that will require eligible renewable fuels to be produced in Canada. The changes also boost the renewable content requirements for diesel.
Rep. Max Miller, R-Ohio, on Feb. 27 reintroduced the Farm to Fly Act, a bill that aims to accelerate the production and development of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Companion legislation was reintroduced in the Senate during January.