
Lisa Gibson

Photo of Lisa Gibson

[email protected]

Latest Articles

Jul 25, 2021

Carbon Connector

The Summit Carbon Solutions' pipeline, a visionary multi-billion dollar project in the making representing about 15% of the U.S. ethanol industry, will allow producers to permanently sequester their carbon dioxide and cut their CI scores in half.

Growth Energy has launched a consumer campaign to promote E15's benefits to the optimal audiences.

Editor Lisa Gibson previews the content for July, including corn oil, E15 expansion, the Ethanol Producer Award winners, and more.

Prices are rising to historic levels, creating opportunities for separation enhancement with short payback periods.

University of Nebraska Researchers have proven E30 is safe for long-term use in non-flex fuel vehicles. The findings could bolster the push for state- and federal-level low-carbon fuel legislation.

May 10, 2021

Fiber Frustration

The U.S. EPA hasn't approved a corn fiber pathway in more than four years, but hope is renewed with a new administration. Meanwhile, NREL has pitched a new cellulose volume measurement method to help address EPA's concerns with accuracy.

May 10, 2021

Solid Science

Editor Lisa Gibson previews the June issue, including features about corn fiber-to-ethanol pathways, low-carbon fuels legislation and a preview of the International Fuel Workshop & Expo coming up in July.

Apr 12, 2021

Making A Splash

Species-specific tailoring in distillers grains opens new markets such as pet feed and aquafeed, expands existing markets and increases product demand.

Apr 11, 2021

Full Coverage

Editor Lisa Gibson previews the May edition of Ethanol Producer Magazine.

Mar 15, 2021

Forward March

Previewing the April issue of Ethanol Producer Magazine, Editor Lisa Gibson reflects on the industry's quest for higher levels of sustainability and lower carbon emissions through water management and carbon capture and storage, respectively.

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