POET and Farmers Business Network has announced that FBN's grain origination and carbon-scoring sustainability tech platform, Gradable, will be adopted at all 33 of POET's ethanol bioprocessing facilities.
UNICA, the Brazilian sugarcane industry association, recently released updated data showing both ethanol production and sales by mills in the south-central region of the country were down during the first half of November.
Operable biofuels production capacity in the U.S. expanded by 32 MMgy in September to 20.766 billion gallons per year, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Nov. 30. Feedstock consumption was down for the month.
Operable biofuels production capacity in the U.S. expanded by 32 MMgy in September to 20.766 billion gallons per year, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Nov. 30. Feedstock consumption was down for the month.
AGP has announced plansto expand the capacity of its soybean processing facility in Seargeant Bluff, Iowa. The project is contingent on negotiations with state and local officials regarding economic development, utility rates and services.
The U.S. Department of Energy's Bioenergy Technology Office (BETO) held a virtual workshop on algae production in April 2021 titled “Barriers to Scale: Algae Crop Production.� A summary of that workshop is now available.
Advanced Biofuels Canada announced the release of its fifth annual Biofuels in Canada 2021 (BIC) report, with full open-source access to Canadian market data for renewable, low-carbon, and conventional fuels.
Scientists with USDA Agricultural Research Service in Peoria, Illinois, have developed a way to make a better jet biofuel from soybean oil. Blends using biofuels are one of the ways the aviation industry is working to reduce its carbon footprint.
Sustainable Oils Inc. has purchased 45 acres in Havre, Montana. The company is close to selecting its contractor to begin construction of the planned 600,000 bushel storage and rail loading facility for its proprietary camelina grain in Q1 2022.
This Thanksgiving, many biodiesel producers are prepping for the holiday surge in used cooking oil. NBB members harvest and recycle used cooking oil into biodiesel and renewable diesel, helping to keep food costs down while lowering carbon emissions.
Viridos Inc., previously Synthetic Genomics, has signed a joint agreement with ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co. with the intent to bring Viridos' low-carbon intensity biofuels toward commercial levels.
Gevo Inc. has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Sweetwater Energy Inc. regarding the use of sustainably sourced agricultural residues and woody biomass as a feedstock for producing cellulosic alcohols and liquid hydrocarbons.
The House Committee on Science, Space and Technology on Nov. 16 approved an amendment to the National Wildlife Fire Risk Reduction Program Act offered by Rep. Randy Feenstra, R-Iowa, that aims to bolster bioenergy and biofuels production.
During its Nov. 10 meeting, the American Coalition for Ethanol board of directors voted to support new policies that credit farmers and ethanol producers for activities helping ethanol reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by mid-century.
The House Ag Committee's Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy and Credit on Nov. 16 hosted a hearing on the renewable economy. The event featured testimony on the importance of biofuels, the RFS, year-round E15, and biobased products.
The House Ag Committee's Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy and Credit on Nov. 16 hosted a hearing on the renewable economy. The event featured testimony on the importance of biofuels, the RFS, year-round E15, and biobased products.
Bioenergy accounted for approximately 3.52 million of the 12 million global renewable energy jobs in 2020, according to an annual jobs report released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in late October.
With a third of U.S. ethanol plants producing 100 MMgy or more, and most wanting at least 30 days of feedstock capacity, onsite grain storage has evolved. Sukup Manufacturing Co. is leading the big bin movement, and sees more giants to come.
With a third of U.S. ethanol plants producing 100 MMgy or more, and most wanting at least 30 days of bin capacity, onsite grain storage has evolved.
A new report demonstrates that America's biofuel industry is a major creator of union jobs for the middle class, supporting more than 30,000 union jobs in agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, utilities, construction and others.
The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service released its latest Crop Report on Nov. 9, increasing its forecasts for corn production and yields. The forecast for area harvested for grain was unchanged.
The USDA increased its forecast for 2021-'22 corn use in ethanol in its latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report, released Nov. 9. The agency is also predicting a record corn yield of 177 bushels per acre.
The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service released its latest Crop Report on Nov. 9, revising down its forecasts for soybean production and yields. The forecast areas harvested for beans was unchanged.
The USDA maintained its forecast for 2021-'22 soybean oil use in biofuel in its latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report, released Nov. 9. The estimate for 2020-'21 soybean oil use in biofuel was revised up.
Downey Ridge Environmental Co., developer of Greasezilla FOG separation and processing systems, announces the release of a new enclosed modular system produced for sites that require or desire exterior placement.
The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy has announced its intent to issue a second funding opportunity to support the scale-up of biofuel and bioproduct biorefineries.
Cynthia (CJ) Warner, president and CEO of REG, provided an update on the expansion of the company's Geismar renewable diesel plant and elaborated on plans to shut down the company's Houston biodiesel plant during a third quarter earnings call.
Sugarcane processing and the production of ethanol by mills in the south-central region of Brazil was down significantly during the first half of October, according to data released by UNICA, the Brazilian sugarcane industry association.
The Andersons Inc. released Q3 financial results on Nov. 2, reporting a loss for the company's ethanol segment. The company expects to reported improved results in the fourth quarter, as strong ethanol margins expected for the three-month period.
On Nov. 3, during a House Ag Committee hearing on the immediate challenges to the nation's food supply chain, Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-Ill., responded to testimony urging the U.S. EPA to set lower 2021 and 2022 RVOs for biodiesel and renewable diesel.